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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:55:49 Edit(编辑)
Boeing’s first overseas factory: a Boeing 737 China completion Center

Boeing’s first overseas factory: a Boeing 737 China completion Center(波音公司首个境外工厂:波音737中国完工中心)



Boeing's first overseas factory: completion Center Boeing 737 China-Boeing 737, the Boeing-IT information

IT information news on August 26, news reports last year, United States Boeing plan and relevant departments of the Chinese Government and enterprises, establish a 737 aircraft completion centers in China, and today, according to Nikkei News reported, Boeing said it will create a China factory, delivered 737 aircraft on the ground.

According to January of this year Boeing and COMAC on established 737 aircraft completion centers in China signed cooperative documents, the two sides will jointly financed the establishment of joint venture companies, which marks Boeing's cooperation with Chinese enterprises to further improve, as well as Boeing part of their Assembly production system for the first time extended to overseas, that is, this plant will be Boeing in the United States outside of the first factory.

According to Boeing's prediction, China's civil aviation market has grown rapidly over the next 20 years, China will need nearly a trillion dollars worth of 6330 new aircraft. Future, the 737 as the strong demand for single-aisle aircraft, is expected to be received before in the year 2034 4630 such aeroplanes.

波音公司首个境外工厂:波音737中国完工中心 - 波音737,波音 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月26日消息,去年就有消息报道,美国波音公司计划和中国政府有关部门和企业合作,在中国建立737飞机完工中心,而今天,根据日经新闻网报道,波音表示将创建中国工厂,在当地交付737飞机。



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