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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:40:31 Edit(编辑)
Xinhua comments on micro-withdrawal charges: “yanguobamao“ long

Xinhua comments on micro-withdrawal charges: “yanguobamao“ long(新华社评微信提现收费:“雁过拔毛”难长久,)



Xinhua comments on micro-withdrawal charges: "yanguobamao"-app is now charging for a long time, micro-payment-IT information

Micro-micro-letter account team has revealed plans to withdraw charges , the news quickly became the network's concern. Bank online bank transfer free of context, "retrograde" app will inevitably lead to public unease and anxiety. And the depth of people's well-being in the process of integrating innovation, Internet companies want to look long term, and more wisdom. As the economy of "Catfish" Internet economic hopes. Micro letter sitting on hundreds of millions of users, the scope of its functions had to overcome social, life in the versatile, user's stickiness and stronger.

Micro letter team said cash withdrawal transaction fees is not the pursuit of revenue Act, but rather to cover the bank charges. But for users, rate 0.1% rate, pay at least the threshold of 0.1 Yuan per transaction, which is the withdrawal of the small high-frequency service become something.

State Council on promoting the Internet "+" guidance on action brought for efficient and convenient Internet advantages into full play, improving the efficiency of resource use and reduce service costs. Commonly used service adds a new user fees, lower service costs from any talk about it?

Long vistas far. 0.1% rates does not look much, but it reflects the traditional livelihood of emerging Internet industry and how to take each other, achieve the opposite of big problems. If each due to own an acre of three points, only from "mo money" was robbing, eventually forcing the public to vote with their feet .

There are many ways a business development and growth, but "yanguobamao" strategy is not a long-term solution, the best plan. Facing, highly competitive Internet market liberalization, "people I have, I have excellent" Beginner's mind of the spirit of innovation, sincere service users cannot be changed. Only on the services spend more, rather than relying on accumulation of viscous, inertial recklessly forward, Internet products and services in order to go further.

Related reading:

Say no to fees! Teach you the app in your wallet free withdrawals

新华社评微信提现收费:“雁过拔毛”难长久 - 微信提现收费,微信支付 - IT资讯








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