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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:38:41 Edit(编辑)
Investigation of college students ’ summer vacation in China: 55.06% basic brush at home phone

Investigation of college students ’ summer vacation in China: 55.06% basic brush at home phone(中国大学生暑假生活调查:55.06%基本宅在家里刷手机,)



Investigation of college students ' summer vacation in China: basic brush at home phone-55.06% summer, college students, mobile phone-IT news

This summer, from Hunan University majoring in fine little home. She was alone in the bedroom, go ahead and test "death knock". "Seven point fall heat" is a circle of friends after she entered the summer signing, had not changed. A week later, she will take part in the fifth test, that's her summer vacation in the "World War II".

In August, China University media Union in the 1937 college students from the national polls,said summer 55.06% "' House ' brush mobile spend at home". Meanwhile, facing the more than more than 180 University survey of 622 students,72.87% of the students surveyed indicated that they had been on summer vacation for planning, which 36.34% the planning in an orderly manner. 36.28% student survey respondents who were satisfied with their summer vacation, 52.73% of the satisfaction degree of college students has nothing to do with money.

Summer "open" forms

Daiqing academic performance in undergraduate classes have been among her plan is to go abroad after graduation to attend graduate school. But she and her objectives there is a distance of IELTS 7 transcript. Last December, the sunny start to fight for this little report card.

IELTS exam started at 9 o'clock, and sunny got up around 7 o'clock every day, starting at 9 o'clock listening, followed by reading, good, he continued to write essays. "That is equivalent to their dormitory completed an IELTS exam. "Sunny says," a summer down their mock exams also have dozens of times. "In addition, the online speaking practice test, private classes, classes, she tries again. Every night, the fine will have to learn to 12 points. Living only in the waves, is sometimes fail hearing or reading failure in practice, "does occasionally tense hearing, one didn't hear back understand, this time I'll be blue, others read the problem is difficult, and I don't want to answer to answer. "She said with a laugh.

See friends students Tan internships and travel photos, clear do not envy. Ambition she felt everyone different, but very clearly about the future. When you're tired, she will be sophomores in the United Kingdom as a summer exchange student photos out, encourage you to go all out.

Daiqing also firmly said, "I am very happy with this summer, hard for the school you want to go, I almost did not want to give up. ”

China University media Union survey, college students surveyed in the study or test 26.81%, 21.03% summer social practice, 20.71% students travel 18.14% of college students work part-time or work.

Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University graduate Pang Qiang 2015 was inducted into the central State organs work Committee, and co-sponsored by the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the National Federation of "met" College internship program. In the summer, he had access to internship at China's national development and Reform Commission, "touch of central authorities and how this huge machine of the State". A month of practice, he felt "more effectively feel the high strength, high pressure and dynamic civil service status and occupational requirements", see from page after page of "thin" letter missive to the "massive" State of the Union address, together, hardening into policy behind the strict and hard, Pang Qiang felt that his power will be going strong.

Chen Jiaming, a junior from Tianjin University is an alternative to an educational institution during the holidays a part-time teacher, down revenue almost two months could pay him a year's tuition and living expenses. Chen Jiaming majored in food quality and safety, is mainly responsible for the first national studies at an educational institution classes, preparatory classes and counselling for the placement test. Remedial courses 9 days for a period, he was involved in 4 of 6 classes teaching. A lesson about 3 hours, when he was preparing the course length requirements not only informative, but also attractive. "I as a part-time career attempts, because their jobs could be taken into account in this direction. "Chen Jiaming said that each lesson preparation requires its own dedicated," If there is a curriculum, and that this time should be spent on lessons. ”

Select brush phone "home" more than half of 67.19% respondents admit that they have a cell phone addiction

Among those surveyed, said summer 55.06% "' House ' brush mobile spend at home", 67.19% of respondents admit to having mobile phone addiction, which considered themselves to be "a severe dependence, cellphones are a part of" student 9.46%.

Studied at the universities of Inner Mongolia South of college students feel they are suffering from severe "mobile phone dependence" and "little red dots obsession." Nan Ding told me that every day first thing in the morning is looking at mobile phones, there are no missed calls, unread messages, brush when idle "two micro." Even when too cannot help but take out a cell phone to paint the circle of friends, saw "little red dot" tips on some points there. She says her phone never shut down, sometimes walking wearing headphones listening to music, brush cell phone. "Fear most now is that there's no electricity, cell phone can't charge my world of darkness".

56.03% of the college students surveyed said that they do have "mobile phone dependence", there is no change with the arrival of the holiday. Meanwhile, 31.9% said in the summer, their dependence on the phone worse. From Sichuan University students Li Yuanzhe admits that his 8-14 hours a day with the mobile phone company, mainly in communications and information, for him, this State is stable, when there are no more or less. This summer he set for your main task is to accompany your family and rest.

"Always play too fast, sometimes found that day didn't do anything to play, but simply do not feel the passage of time. "College student Chen Jianan describes how I feel. In her eyes, mobile convenience, and can use a search engine to satisfy his curiosity, curiosity, his spiritual world "living in mobile rich content that is hosted in the data." But she acknowledged, "it gave me a lot of trouble, sick of social networking, bask in his pointless fun, normal sleep is disturbed, Outlook on life is also being disseminated by the Internet, for the real and people around the world lack adequate care and attention".

Cao Guodong, Director of Inner Mongolia Normal University College of journalism practice believes that "mobile phone dependence" is a social phenomenon, not just have an impact on the lives of students, the emergence of smart phones have a particularly large impact on society as a whole. Groups of college students in the use of smartphones, more focused, and even some people addicted to the Internet through mobile phones you hand, networking, network live, online shopping, etc. In his view, from the point of view of communication, this phenomenon is technology on the human and social impact of the change. The impact of this is the pros and cons, advantages of technical convenience, disadvantage is that students not mature, transmitted on the network most of the fragmentation of information, gossip and entertainment information, such as the integration of various positive and negative energy, may affect the students thinking, values and ability to judge things. "Mobile phone, books look less natural, less face-to-face communication with friends, time for outdoor activities and exercise time will be greatly reduced, it is very bad for their physical and mental health. "Cao Guodong said.

Nankai University students ' psychological guidance Yuan Xin, Director of the Centre that, in this age of the Internet, computers and mobile phones more time is a normal phenomenon, and "ring of friends" was the place where personal venting emotions in modern society. But at the same time, she considered "home" in the virtual world, watching people sharing life, share ideas, and neglect to communication and interaction in the real world, this is a loss. "Face-to-face communication and interaction would cause many unexpected gains, there will be more rich and solid experience".

For holidays "satisfactory" minority 52.73% of college students thought that satisfaction has nothing to do with the money

Survey results show that 72.87% of surveyed students on summer vacation for planning, 45.15% respondents considered the plan of "poor implementation", 12.56% of respondents say "wasted". Satisfaction over the summer issue, 36.22% of the college students surveyed for their summer vacation, said "satisfactory", 52.73% of the satisfaction degree of college students has nothing to do with money. On my summer vacation "unsatisfactory" main reasons for include "poor self-control, inertia," "fell through" no clear plan. "

College students on summer vacation as "unsatisfactory", Yuan Xin said that there might be a number of reasons. In her view, from interpersonal communication ways, crowding the screen every day just watching other people's lives, which lacks an effective interaction. There may be some college students have become accustomed to living at the end of the school, that a free holiday filled with guilt, feel free sorry everyone. She suggested that, regardless of the media, experts and scholars, teachers or parents, are necessary to properly guide the students in mind, with a correct attitude towards the summer. "We can give them some constructive comments before the summer, allowing them to fully enjoy the complete set of spare time, so how to make good use of, planning vacation time is very critical."

Referring to vacation planning, Cao Guodong share the view that students wasted summer phenomenon is to a large extent due to their lack of planning. This first is the overall planning of the 4-year University, but also includes planning for spare time, the length of vacation planning. A good plan is we don't dream away your life, not abandoned College began.

As an instructor, Guo Quan Liu Harbin normal university teachers want students to be able to enjoy the holidays, work and rest, spend more time with their parents and relatives also want students to have a certain amount of self-discipline, don't let holiday good times in "don't sleep at night, can't afford in the morning" and "wake up to pick up the phone, put down the phone to sleep" boring State passes.

Harbin normal university teacher Jie Hongxing says: "habits and attitudes are not a day habit, is the responsibility of parents, evaluation system has the responsibility, media have a responsibility to established practice or social service integration mechanism, to lead their community, towards nature and serve the community, responsibility and role. ”

中国大学生暑假生活调查:55.06%基本宅在家里刷手机 - 暑假,大学生,手机 - IT资讯
























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