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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:30:24 Edit(编辑)
Intel drubbing in the mobile phone market? To rest is to go further,

Intel drubbing in the mobile phone market? To rest is to go further,(Intel在手机市场败局已定?休息是为了走的更远,)



Intel drubbing in the mobile phone market? To rest is to go further-Intel mobile processor-IT information

Recently, Intel spokesman confirmed to the media, Intel will cancel the mobile device, codenamed SoFIA and Broxton's atom (Atom) processors development. In other words, Intel will be out of smart-phone chip market .

Prior to this, Intel mobile processor has invested more than $ 10 billion, but this did not help them in the Smartphone and tablet computer processor market set up foundations.

History of Intel's foray into the mobile chip market is not short as early as 2010, through the acquisition of Infineon's wireless division into the mobile-chip business, but the test properties investments were not successful. With the outbreak of the Tablet market, Intel chose the roundabout, the large investment flat chips. Under the huge subsidy policy, Intel shares soared in the Tablet market, in 2014, the Intel Tablet PC processor shipments reach 40 million dollars. But by the time they are no longer subsidized, market share fell.

The other hand, the Tablet market shortly thereafter fell into recession, data show 2016 global Tablet shipments in the first quarter fell by 14.7%, 6th consecutive quarter of decline, but Intel failed to scale processor for smartphones market gains.

As ruler of the PC era, why Intel didn't succeed in the mobile market? Intel now retreat is a hopeless defeat, retreat is it?

First, missed opportunities

Intel is the pioneers of the mobile market, long before the iPhone appeared, Intel PXA series processor developed high performance, become a major CPU vendors when of WM phones.

But unfortunately it is one year before the iPhone launch, Intel sold the mobile sector, and iPhone uses Samsung ARM instruction set chips, then follow Android phones also use the ARM instruction set chips. ARM became the standard for mobile. Intel X86 but later .

It should be said that Intel has struggled, its hard power ATOM processor, up to levels that can be used, but also acquired Infineon's baseband chips, the mastering of communication technologies. However, the face of the ARM has become the standard market, Intel has become a latecomer, takes a heavy subsidies to support community.

In fact, Intel's huge subsidies do effective in 2014, 40 million Tablet sales are really objective. However, when highly subsidized efforts at Intel that the mobile market has changed.

After several years of popularity, the mobile market has become saturated, and less and less profit. Chip manufacturers can do more and more and more vertical. Huawei do chips, Samsung chips, rice chips, LG chip, Intel's depressing discovery, even with heavy subsidies to win shares, heavyweight partners could not be found. After years of delay, new market into the Red Sea, continued subsidies to grab share makes no sense, so Intel has abandoned.

Second, greater opportunity

Some time ago IDF2016, Intel talked about their strategy. Intel ready to bypass the mobile revolution in this round IT, directly on to a higher level.

From the perspective of current trends, in the smart phone revolution, the next step is the Internet of things, chip will be made smaller, into all the equipment, all items, which is a huge market than a Smartphone. Qualcomm, TI, Intel are fighting for.

Intel now instead of devoting resources to mature mobile markets, might as well go to seize the Internet market. Meanwhile, Internet of smartphones has also put forward higher requirements for cloud, which is Intel's positive.

Intel is the most profitable sector servers, cloud computing, supercomputers, high-end commercial sector. IT evolves faster, higher demand for these resources. Therefore, Intel is actively involved in high-end processors, high above the coprocessor and high-end storage, and constantly develop new technologies, maintain a huge technological advantage, for huge profits.

And Intel to give up the mobile phone market is also an example, optimizing resources into more profitable Internet and cloud computing.

Third, another position to participate in the

Intel gave up the Smartphone market, it opened another door, that OEM mobile processors .

For years, Intel's best technology in the world. But in recent years, because PC be replaced by smart phones, Intel technology evolution has slowed down. TSMC, Samsung, with the development of the fast-growing mobile OEM, now close the Intel. Intel to give up their mobile phone chip, you can put the past behind, to Apple, Hass, MTK these companies doing contract work.

So far, Intel is still the most advanced technology of the same core, Intel may make the best performance, lowest power consumption chips. As long as the Intel development resources, believes Apple, Hass, MTK will flock.

Another position, Intel can also move to a slice of the market. To rest is to go further, Intel exits cell phone market is a blessing, blessing disguise.

Intel在手机市场败局已定?休息是为了走的更远 - intel,手机处理器 - IT资讯

日前,英特尔一位发言人向媒体证实,英特尔将取消面向移动设备、代号为 SoFIA 和 Broxton 的凌动(Atom)处理器的开发。换言之,英特尔将会退出智能手机芯片市场。

在这之前,英特尔为移动处理器投入了超过 100 亿美元,但这并没有帮助他们在智能手机和平板电脑处理器市场建立起根基。

英特尔涉足移动芯片市场的历史并不短,早在 2010 年就通过收购英飞凌无线事业部涉足移动芯片业务,不过那次带有试探性质的投资并不成功。随着平板电脑市场的爆发,英特尔选择了迂回策略,重金投资平板芯片。在巨额补贴策略下,英特尔在平板市场份额一路飙升,2014 年,英特尔的平板电脑处理器出货量达到了 4000 万块。但当他们不再补贴的时候,市场份额也应声下跌。

另一方面,平板电脑市场此后不久就陷入了衰退之中,数据显示 2016 年一季度全球平板电脑出货量下滑 14.7%,连续第 6 个季度下滑,而英特尔也未能在规模更大的智能手机处理器市场有所斩获。



















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