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published in(发表于) 2016/8/22 9:47:00 Edit(编辑)
2,200 year online, Internet movies are churning out,

2,200 year online, Internet movies are churning out,(一年上线2200部,网络电影不乏粗制滥造,)



2,200 year online, online movie there is no lack of cheesy-movie aiqi arts, Tencent-IT information

In recent years, network movie began again to launch a sequel, is behind the rapid growth of the network movie.

Issued under the investment adviser business, according to a recent research report, network scale of major film markets in 2020 will reach 3.2 billion yuan. Than theatrical movies, online movie market is still small, but its low threshold, the low cost, flexibility, easy to recover the costs of small is beautiful advantages to attract a large number of companies to enter the field.

Aiqi art Senior Vice President Yang Xianghua said that in 2016, network movie market will reach 1 billion, expects the entire network will have 2,200 network movie online.

"Net" high growth

Network movie refers to the small scale of investment, when more than 60 minutes, a relatively short production cycle, major option in the Internet release of the film. 2015 online movie saw explosive growth, nearly 700 total distribution network movies of the whole network, split income at more than 30 million. "Small is beautiful" might be a better summary of the current network movie industry. While the industry is still small, the whole network does not exceed 600 million Yuan at the box office, and line 2015 over 40 billion yuan at the box office than a drop in the bucket on the other, the industry is really beautiful, film for cost recovery of more than 50%.

Network movie hot, investment consultants, analysts said net big outbreak was mainly attributable, first, can improve the living conditions of medium and small budget films. In 2015, the box office receipts in China exceed 44 billion yuan, but in dazzling numbers, many medium and small budget films become cannon fodder, and some works of new directors might as well be cinema "shut out", and Internet channels can become better distribution channel for this part of the film, meet the needs of realisation of these films.

Second, network movie short development cycle compared to traditional film development cycle, network movie from preparatory to launch production cycle can be compressed to 1-3 within a month, compared with preparations to launch more than a year of theatrical movies, which makes series of development can be achieved in the short term, while able to closely track the social focus. In addition network movie the approval of less restricted, subject, content is "new, strange, weird" characteristics, can have strong appeal to the audience.

Third, the number of film talent and resources into it. Existing production network movies (especially when the project location is pure broadcast) authors from the previous micro-film UGC, and PGC staff. Used to focus on micro-film financing Amoy issue platform website dreams into network movie of the professional platform. Micro films due to time constraints, making its low bargaining power and network movie with the long expansion, the "pay at the box office are divided into" realization, which help profits expand.

Top movie play billion

There are already some video site to enterprise network films field has good performance. Aiqi arts, its commitment to build a network of cinemas in China, forming the "platform-network audience-directed work" are circulating, the introduction of a "sweet taste" planned, dedicated to supporting young directors to grow. In June 2015, aiqi Arts has announced that its total number of movies more than 6,000, which movie was about 8%, aiqi art member service income from the network 15%-20% in the film, and often outstanding Internet movie-on-demand information on the line above.

Yang Xianghua says: "user's entertainment content consumption scene changes are taking place in China, which particularly evident in the field of drama and arts, consumer demand is the film quickly from theaters to network transfer and expansion. User demand for online movie market is huge, we are in a golden age of pure Web content, any content has become the chance of explosions. But will undoubtedly be able to move people's products have a better chance of winning. "Aiqi art early 2016" the fairy class campuses "part I of the series, for example, its 72-hour flow that is over 10 million, has become the China market explosions under IP. This year, part of the network (network movie) play has hundreds of millions, Tencent video broadcast online alone the bye Mermaid (top), the Palace lost in the dream, aiqi art only broadcast online episode Shanbao town 2, etc Web hits have broken billion.

CIC report, 2015 network movie market size was about 600 million Yuan, current network movie market environment is good, more space for future development, investment advisor industry research center predicted that by 2020 the market scale will reach 3.2 billion yuan, five-year compound annual growth rate of about 40%.

Bubbles are forming

High growth also contributed to the major video sites under joint production companies accelerated production network movie, also exacerbated competition, aiqi arts a 2,200-great movies are expected on the line. Which are being manufactured in industry to speed up the fittest will become inevitable, to back the film will also be increased.

Yang Xianghua said: "compared to theatrical movies, network movie superiority is not only low investment threshold, but that network platform release cycles more flexible, lower distribution costs, and has more themes to try space, yield improvement is necessary. But the more competitive yield, as the promotion of audience viewing requirements, as well as the increased survival of the fittest, how to stand out in 2,200 movie network is home to hundreds of large parties are subject to and critical of the subject.

Look at the online movie market, quickly hidden behind the outbreak of numerous minefields, such as copy, fake, vulgar joke.

As early as the early eye copy of economic-oriented networks by numerous theaters and soft porn filled, "the plot enough chest to get" routine has been rampant, even though everyone knows that Windows of the World Mongolian eyes paper caught sooner or later, and no one is willing to do the warriors.

NET watchers Ding Yunyan told reporters, as the market continues to expand, more and more Web adults recognize that out of crisis comes, and create more works with film in the true sense value.

Ding Yunyan, network movie bubble has emerged, showing irrational exuberance, and those involved take heed. But from the commercial development of history, any of the emergence of new industries, are accompanied by that kind of bubble growth. Will appear only after industry and business model innovation, network development will also undoubtedly go through this process, we will continue to monitor net profit model the new dynamic of change.

By 2016, the online film business increasingly mature industry, industrial chain laid finish, with the deployment of quality routes, investment costs, returns are down slightly, but compared to the theatrical movie 80% more than the tragic situation of being cannon fodder, the net return on investment than the previous, still have a huge advantage.

Moreover, now 95, 00 gradually become the mainstream audience, as a true network of their generation, huge demand for networks, is accustomed to the use of intelligent terminals, will become bigger potential audience.

一年上线2200部,网络电影不乏粗制滥造 - 网络电影,爱奇艺,腾讯 - IT资讯






















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