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published in(发表于) 2016/4/3 6:18:14 Edit(编辑)
Stay up all night cell phone novels, boys eyes tragedy

Stay up all night cell phone novels, boys eyes tragedy(熬夜手机看小说,小伙眼睛悲剧,)



Stay up all night cell phone novels, boys eyes tragedy-staying up late, cellphone, eyes-IT information

With the intelligent mobile computing, more and more people are mobile phone doesn't leave my hand, a lot of people become controlled. Mr Suzhou fan boy, 34, is one of them, every day after work, use mobile phones to read a novel, or even often seen Bell at one or two points. However, shortly before the fan found his left eye is becoming increasingly blurred, almost blind, to the hospital to check, turned out to be suffering from cataracts.

Experts say that young fan, no history of eye disease are suffering from cataract, it is rare. Experts caution that now due to the popularity of cell phone use, a lot of people increasingly rely on cell phones, used cell phone frequencies and time is getting longer and longer, resulting in a lot of "mobile modern disease" appears, you need to attract the attention from all sectors of society, must not be excessive use of mobile phones.

No history of eye disease such as, 34, of cataract

Found in the cell phone to download electronic novels

According to sue two big Hospital Director of Ophthalmology, chief physician Xu Guoxu memories, the patients he encountered in the clinic in early March this year. "The diagnosis is not optimistic, not only his left eye almost blind, also appeared in the right eye blurred. At that time I noticed that his left eye eyeball is gray, indicating his cataracts are close to maturity. ”

About 80% of elderly people undergoing cataract surgery, cataracts so young, there is few. Xu Guoxu said immediately he asks the other medical conditions. Because young people suffering from cataract causes more complicated, it may be there are a history of eye disease, eye injury, or with a history of diabetes, and so on. However, some ask, found fan does not comply with the above conditions. Just when you wonder, Xu Guoxu found his phone downloading electronic novels.

It turns out that Rachel is a novel fan, in addition to work outside of meals, other time on the phone on the eBook, even after the sleep time to turn out the light, he is constantly watching, almost see it daily at two o'clock in the morning. "Listen to him, every day more than nine o'clock in the evening after work, basically play mobile computer, often see one or two, and sometimes I turn out the light, still watching. ”

So Xu Guoxu judge because he was staring at the screen for a long time, caused by the careless use of eye cataracts. Subsequently, Xu Guoxu fan underwent cataract surgery in a timely manner, and broke the eye cataracts, and implanting intraocular lens can be adjusted. Now, Mr Fang's left eye has been restored to 0.8.

Late last year, colleagues found him in the left eye with a white dot

At their worst, within one meter, he can only see personal

Subsequently, the Yangzi evening news reporter by phone fan. According to Mr fan, he is a man of Jiangxi, 34 years old, work in Suzhou, a tire company, have been working for two years. Starting from last June or July, his eyes are blurred, eyes dark, then he does not attract attention. Late last year, his colleagues found him in the left eye with a white dot, is quite obvious. So he check to a local hospital after the new year back home, the doctors told him that he had cataracts, surgery needs to be done.

Rachel wanted to in years to return to Suzhou after treatment, but for a variety of reasons, has been delayed. Until one day, when he covered her right eye and left eye cannot see anything, only to see humanoid, hurried to sue two big hospital for treatment. "I covered his right eye and left eye is not clear, know well, I panicked. "Mr Fang told reporters that he and journalists together, even within one meter, can't see the reporter's eyes, nose, and can only see is a human form.

However, he also said, is not his eyes may be cell phone problems. Because their business was doing tire, often burning liquid, and the liquid containing cyclohexane and n-heptane is likely to affect the eyes. While the whole combustion process, will do him in, and there is no eye-protection measures, the wind blows, the liquid enters the eye, and so led to his cataract. Currently, Rachel is doing injury identification tests, as to what reason, has yet to be confirmed.

Experts advise

Used mobile phones should not be too long, do not lay out the phone

Xu Guoxu said eye health such as fan, but there are rare cases of cataracts at a young age, but the medical profession is constantly collecting such data to improve medical level. "Now too much mobile phone use, may also have had a lot of cell phone-related diseases. But the relationship between these diseases and how big is the mobile phone, the medical profession is also studying. "Whether such as cell phones, computers, microwave radiation can cause cataracts, this is after all the medical profession has been studying the problem, up to now there is no related verdict. However, normally need to pay more to protect their eyes.

Xu Guoxu reminded, when we used the phone, you should note the following points: 1, between eyes and smart phones should keep a distance of about 30 cm. 2, the light should not be too strong or too Dim, from left front shot, so as to avoid shadows obstruct the line of sight. 3, time should not be too long on mobile phones, don't lie every 40-50 minutes 10-15 minutes rest, or to the distance for a few minutes with the eyes closed. 4, strengthening discipline and vision to do eye exercises. Outdoor sports in particular, in the fresh air and panoramic views overlooking the beautiful scenery on the outskirts are eyes one of the best methods of care. 5, pay attention to nutritional supplements, especially b vitamins, and minerals. 6, young people under age 18 should not use smart phones, choose simple functions, screen, simple mobile phones.

In addition, to strengthen the eye health of the public, usually with no hands rubbed my eyes without the dirty wipe and wash the eyes. Do not stare at books for a long time, mobile phones, televisions, computers and so on, should relax after overuse, sedentary workers should be spaced up 10-15 minutes 1-2 hours, look into the distance or the eyes closed for a moment. In addition, get plenty of sleep, and makes the eyes get enough rest. Free enhanced vision training, eye exercises, multi-vitamin b supplements and related minerals. In addition, for nearsighted people, to be visually examined periodically so as not to deepen.

Modern disease caused cell phone

When emerging on the Internet, there are many, such as "Internet addiction", "myopia" and other symptoms appear, in fact some "mobile" incentives are also similar, mobile phone obsession.

A survey: 77% every day to their phones for more than 12 hours, 34% 24-hour boot. 94% people use mobile phones in more than 5 years. "If you go to a faraway place for business or vacation, what do you most want to bring? "60% respondents preferred over phone. 65% said, if the phone is not around, some anxiety.

SMS my

"Neck sore, turned to pain", or in the small picture is a digital person, holding a cell phone to play games on the Internet at the first null. Until recently, when he gets up in the morning, he found the head to move, but also bursts of needle-like pain, check to the hospital, the doctor told him that he had cervical spondylosis, and a long low cell phones suffer from the disease of "culprits".

"Because cell phones lead to neck pain, then more and more people suffering from cervical spondylosis, and youth-oriented. "A hospital Orthopedic Physician described, is a common disease of cervical spondylosis, also known as cervical syndrome, is a based on the degenerative disease. Poor neck posture makes cervical distortions for a long time lose its physiological curvature, hyperplasia of the bone spur adjacent vertebral arteries and cervical sympathetic stimulation, or oppression, can easily lead to cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery insufficiency and excessive fatigue, causing a variety of symptoms.

Control methods: the usual activities of the neck to avoid maintaining the same posture for a long time, strengthening exercises of the neck, can effectively prevent cervical disease. In addition, the prevention and treatment of cervical diseases must be changing bad lifestyle, such as cell phones to keep in mind when using time and regular neck "PZ", not read in bed, watching TV, and to participate in outdoor activities, and so on.

Mobile phone

Nana is a authentic of iPhone fans, is sisters circle in most active of "thumb King", sent information speed fast, SMS number big, widely collection various popular "jokes" forward most timely, is like with text of way and people communication, but gradually of Nana found himself some avoided interpersonal communication, sometimes clearly can face to face said clear of things, also willing to after added sent information. For instance when she often require the phone up to her full address and contact information, in case when oral memory. And fingers are always dull pain, joint seems hard, hold the chopsticks are on slippery ground.

The symptoms medically known as thumb tenosynovitis refers to inflammation of the tendon and tendon sheath of the peripheral appear, symptoms for metacarpophalangeal joint pain. Use cell phones to send information when fingers are always in constant motion, while finger movement too frequently, causing the metacarpophalangeal joint pain caused by thumb Tenosynovitis, fingers can move involuntarily. From a psychological standpoint, just texting and not willing to talk to her side, serious and mild OCD.

Control method: in simple terms, in fact, the best way is away from the phone, but I believe many friends are not able to do. But if you must, preferably every 20 minutes, a hand massage movements, "around each other stroke" can relieve muscle soreness, reduce tendon abrasion. The peak period of the illness in the winter, the flow of blood slows down speeds up the muscle stiffness, resulting in sprains. So winter using a mobile phone to pay attention to health. Otherwise finger to change "chicken feet", then a good cell phone could not be used.

Auditory hallucinations (mobile force)

"No matter what, I always felt his cell phone ringing, but most of the time there is no text messages or phone calls. "Wang Yi helpless when it comes to working in the media, due to operational, the mobile phone has become a part of his life, if one day accidentally left his cell phone at home, feeling like missing something, fidgeting throughout the day. "Depressing, I think I may be suffering from cell phone to hear voices".

Mobile force and "auditory hallucinations" career-related, such as sales, consulting, media practitioners, such as frequently used communications tool, often just as the bell rang, it was immediately put to work, these people in the "standby" status, strong psychological hint can induce "hearing voices". In the peak period of employment, many new graduates and unemployed job-seekers will join the phone "auditory hallucinations".

Control method: troubled city people life of "phone magic listening to" phenomenon, actually just people body appeared pressure Shi of a performance, is body subconscious to out of reminded, as long as pendulum are mentality, enhanced confidence, sincere active and people communication, such pressure on will was overcome, also has most simple of should method is often replaced phone ringtones, and used some relative soothing of music, to relax physical and mental. Because of long time use a single ringtone, will strengthen the brain sensors, easy to hear voices.

Eye symptoms

There is due to the smaller screen fonts, need to use with his head down, staring intently, long time likely to cause eye fatigue, closeup, dry eye and other eye diseases. Many friends almost always hold the handset down, some people take the bus or eating keeps Internet access, "woven bib", which will keep eye ciliary muscle is tense, "over time, eyes ' views ' is a matter of. ”

Control method: usually develop good habits that we should, not to stare at the screen for a long time, for about 30 minutes to give the eyes a break, you can rest for a few minutes with the eyes closed, or the distance to alleviate eye fatigue, eye muscles to relax. Also, try not to use mobile phones during travel or movement, in order to avoid causing more damage to the eyes.

熬夜手机看小说,小伙眼睛悲剧 - 熬夜,玩手机,眼睛 - IT资讯





































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