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published in(发表于) 2016/8/20 19:25:32 Edit(编辑)
The Avengers 3 burst hard material: Super Heroes collection

The Avengers 3 burst hard material: Super Heroes collection(《复仇者联盟3》再爆猛料:超级英雄大集合,)



The Avengers 3 burst hard material: Super Heroes collection-Avengers, Galaxy guard-IT information

On August 20, shortly before the Russell brothers in an interview the Director confirmed that the Avengers 3 will be split into two different movies, instead of the simple set up and down. It now appears that the Avengers 3 man power, will be the film universe super hero's big rally.

A few days ago, Vin Diesel Facebook confirmed that the Avengers 3 will include the Galaxy convoy in the role, it's exciting. After a reporter had to question the Director Qiao·luosu on the subject, the answer was "it will be a surprise, the audience does not disappoint on the number of films appeared in superheroes, as is the story of the Avengers 3 diffuse power the universe as a whole against unprecedented threats. ”

It is learnt that the Avengers 3 man power, will gather together all the film universe superhero fight fight fighter, World War staged an unprecedented save the universe. Reportedly, the villain of the Galactic convoy 2 Devil forgemaster Adam will become the second villain in the complex of 3, but the news has not yet been confirmed.

According to previous plans, the first work of the Avengers 3 will be released on May 4, 2018.

《复仇者联盟3》再爆猛料:超级英雄大集合 - 复仇者联盟,银河护卫队 - IT资讯





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