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published in(发表于) 2016/8/17 12:22:19 Edit(编辑)
NET Tanabata night red beauty by BMW was disfigured: no face is how to make money,

NET Tanabata night red beauty by BMW was disfigured: no face is how to make money,(网红美女七夕夜坐宝马遭毁容:没脸蛋如何赚钱,)



NET Tanabata night red beauty by BMW was disfigured: no face is how to make money-Belle, reticulocyte, accident-IT information

One Valentine's day, never thought drivers destroy tolerance. On August 12, an article on "Tanabata crash in Shenzhen" articles, Twitter attracted the attention of the majority of users. After the Shenzhen traffic police investigations identified top bags do exist if the circumstances of the case, on August 16, Futian District, Shenzhen traffic Police Brigade informed the case to the public through the media to investigate the situation.

At present, the driver leaves a false testimony, driving without a license, hit and detained top contractor Lin was detained for false testimony, and other circumstances of the case is still under investigation.

Drivers drunk driving a woman disfigured

The night of 9th among the parties (not his real name) a few days ago a new friend Shenzhen Coco bar poems about themselves. "I about 23:20 to the bar and found it but his friends did not know. Because they usually do not like to drink, so I will not drink of the night. "Yun yun said in an interview with reporters, came not long before one girl suggested going to pure singing k, so several people ride a BMW six buses to pure KKTV.

"I started to say to take taxi they didn't agree with, when I say ' drink don't drive ', but the driver did not pay attention to me, and the girls next to me did not speak. "Many said he did not know the driver, no one spoke, he found that he didn't drink, it is not desirable to say what. Then, squeeze up and a girl on the bus, overloaded state is formed.

Vehicle before long, six cars driving a BMW rear-end a sprinkler for the job on the road. Many lost consciousness after his accident, and then woke up to their rescue was the operating room. "I'm out of the operating room until four o'clock, now completely changed the vocal cords, his face was scratched, the doctor said if it hurt a little bit heavier or not timely rescuing my life without the. "Many said, doctors told her that now belongs to the range of injuries, current injury reports in further identification.

Reporter learned that deep night, perpetrators of the thing the next day and his parents are requested to settle, but did not mention the issue of compensation.

"The next day, parents and brother-in-law came to talk about the compensation becomes very tough again. Although my family wanted to settle, but saw his ' disfigurement ' face I will no longer agree to settle, then find each other or get more angry, so I decided to expose. "Many said. 12th all the articles for themselves on the Internet as of 16th read more than 1.93 million.

Drivers concerned has a bag, driving without a license

What things? 16th, at 10 o'clock, Shenzhen traffic Police Bureau held a news conference to detail alerted Police to investigate the situation.

23:50 P.M. August 9, leaves from the shopping Park COCO PARK bar a XJY115 number plate black BMW car driving and Guangdong, with 4 female friends en route to the Che Kung Miu KTV, Xin Zhou, Yu Binhe Avenue overpass crash at the end of a road sprinkler for the job. After the accident, Lin leaves the first time called friends for their top package, and in the car's back seat passengers, overloading, failure to wear seat belts in the middle of all, violent collision during the incident, was thrown out by forward, Chin injuries more severe, accompanied by a female passenger rushed to Shenzhen after Hong Kong hospital for treatment. Lin took his friend Cai Mou vehicles rushed to the scene after the package leaves a sit Shang CAI a cars left two female passengers also rushed to the hospital in Hong Kong.

"After we received a warning for the first time the police have investigated, found each other at the trial did have the top package behavior. "Futian, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of traffic Police Brigade Squadron squadron leader Yao Hong said the accident, told police the night of the accident when asked, saying they are on board, together with the other 3 women passengers to identify Lin is the driver, this time many are receiving stitches rescue, unable to explain the situation. After Fukuda Brigade handled police investigation found the accident there was a catch, while receiving the report said actual driver for BMW, Lin is the top driver. To this end, the Futian police set up a task force to carry out detailed surveys, initial judge did in the case of a top bag case, was arrested for driving without a license and giving false testimony, and notifies its 10th come to Shenzhen traffic Police Bureau for investigation.

Drivers visiting the top bag forest, in front of the police evidence is aware of the seriousness and admitted pervert situations. "We are good friends, and he asked me to deal with traffic accidents, I said yes. "Deep night Lin reluctantly told reporters.

Drivers say can't accept millions of claims

16th, at 11 o'clock, night reporter saw at the Futian Police Brigade suspected the driver leaves. He said at that time is to run his own car, the BMW six series of the car is the brother-in-law of Hwang, he was just building company staff.

"I didn't notice a sprinkler on the front while driving. After the crash I'm calling your friends to come and help me watch later too afraid, plus my friends top bags directly without a license. "Leaf told reporters that after the accident, he did not escape, but carry the injured passengers to taxis taken to hospital for treatment.

"I drank 100 ml Moggi hold wine, now regret it, willing to accept the punishment. "Leaf said. Many warned against drunk driving in the car, take a taxi to conditions, he said he did not hear. "The wounded of all I do not know, also did not speak at the bar. Set out on her own in front of my car, we have advised her on the bus, when she did not refuse. "He said.

Some own all had no impression, did not know she was in an accident in the car. After the accident his family actively looking for it to settle her family says was disfigured pay 1 million, the number of utterly unacceptable. As regards compensation, all but said he only wanted to heal injury, back to its former appearance, and lets assume all legal liability.

"I'm not married, and usually Taobao shop, when the network anchor make money face injuries impact will be significant. "Many said now they do did not dare to go out during the day, only to come out in the evening .

At present, a traffic accident escape the violation, driving without a license, and providing false testimony, Futian police according to administrative detention, Lin to provide false testimony by law under administrative detention. In other circumstances are still under investigation in the case.

Lawyers said lied about case law shall be punished by detention

Guangdong China business lawyer firm lawyer Qi Yan ice said, except criminal field outside, China legal regulations and no for top package for specifically provides, but according to "provides false testimony, and lied about case" to processing of, like, security management punishment method 60th article provides, provides false testimony, and lied about case, effect administrative law enforcement organ law case of, at 5th above 10th following detention, and at 200 Yuan above 500 Yuan following fine; in this times event in the, involved violations people if with top package to escape legal held , Top bags and sponsors, all contributing to providing false testimony, false facts, therefore, Shenzhen police punishment is reasonable in accordance with law.

"As for driving without a license, has been China's focus on behavior, road traffic safety violations and infractions in the Shenzhen Special economic zone on the 26th article should be fine at 2000 and 15th following the detention. "Qi Yan ice think, driving people on accident bear main or all responsibility of situation Xia, not only violation has legal regulations, more is so to victims caused has serious of hurt, if by identification constitute heavy hurt, even should to suspected traffic accident crime be criminal held, if not constitute injured, also should accept severe of administrative punishment, regardless of criminal also is administrative punishment, for victims of medical, and delays, and nursing, and disability, and follow-up treatment, loss law should compensation.

网红美女七夕夜坐宝马遭毁容:没脸蛋如何赚钱 - 美女,网红,车祸 - IT资讯











8月9日晚23时50分许,从COCO PARK购物公园酒吧出来的叶某驾驶粤XJY115号牌黑色宝马小车,带着4名女性朋友前往车公庙KTV途中,于滨河大道新洲立交桥底追尾一辆正在路上作业的洒水车。事故发生后,叶某第一时间打电话让朋友林某过来替其顶包,而该车后排乘客中,因超载坐在中间、未系安全带的芸芸,事发时在猛烈的撞击下,被向前甩了出去,下巴受伤较严重,后在一名女乘客的陪同下赶往深圳港大医院治疗。林某乘坐其朋友蔡某的车赶至现场顶包后,叶某与剩下两名女乘客坐上蔡某的车也一同赶往港大医院。













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