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published in(发表于) 2016/8/16 20:48:38 Edit(编辑)
Dump the olfactory discrimination: “smell the stink“ is a technical,

Dump the olfactory discrimination: “smell the stink“ is a technical,(垃圾场嗅辨员:“闻臭味”是个技术活,)



Dump the olfactory discrimination: "smell the stink" is a technical-trash, emissions-IT information

Collect "odor" back to the lab testing odour emissions standard nose shots

Did you know that? Landfill, process plant and incinerator and transfer stations of various substances are met in the air, smell is not within the specified range, in addition to the instruments, also needs its own professional staff "odour". Now, the city has professional qualification of "syndrome differentiation of olfactory" about 300 people, is their daily work to the different waste treatment plant in Beijing to collect "odor", and then back to the lab smell stink test, as an important basis for emissions compliance.

Syndrome differentiation of olfactory gas smell collected back in the lab.


Syndrome differentiation of olfactory nose "Superman"

Chao said he did not like anyone else could imagine, have a super sense of smell, just a man. "Olfactory discrimination of the most important of which is the nose will have no spirit, and not too smart. Not working cannot smell anything, too smart and too large gap between ordinary people and will also affect the results. "In our daily lives, olfactory discrimination is also a number of additional requirements, for example, olfactory discrimination certainly does not smoke, drink, avoid spicy foods, experiencing cold cannot be sniffed out. Especially women, no makeup on the job, not wear Nail Polish, sunscreen, mosquito essential balm, toilet water used. If you receive detection notifications, then eat, taste more "heavy" foods, such as meat buns can't eat.

"6 nose" capture odor

Reporters yesterday at the Beijing sanitation stations met has worked for 11 years in syndrome differentiation of olfactory posts Zhang Chao, daily with a large glass vacuum to Beijing's garbage landfill, process plants, incinerators and transfer stations to collect. After collection, bottle "stink" to be taken back to the lab, into the sealed bag.

Chao told reporters that when each olfactory discrimination, will be 6 syndrome differentiation of olfactory and 1 decision of the Division to form a group. Each olfactory discrimination be equipped with 3 numbers as "a, b, c" bags, including one from the junkyard collecting air samples back, and the other two only with ordinary air.

Nose than the instrument more reliable

In Chao's view, odour is a laboratory technique. Olfactory discrimination in the hands of three bags of "smell", and to determine the most "stinky" a check on the table, circle could not be determined. Finally, formula, work out whether the odor sample to meet national standards. "As long as the smell of stinky, description of emission standards. We want to draw the ' ring ', because then the landfill emissions that meet the and have no taste. ”

Chao said that although scientific testing instruments become more and more advanced, but the machine can only display values, cannot distinguish between odors. And the nose than the instrument can detect far more taste. For example, more than 10 or more than 20 indicators can only be detected, but the person's nose can smell dozens of even hundreds of taste.

Every day at least 3 spam plants

The city now has more than 50 waste treatment facilities, 19 garbage landfill, process plants, incinerators and transfer stations, must ensure that once every month. Returned samples collected must be carried out on the same day the olfactory discrimination against spoilage.

Air-conditioned room is still in the laboratory head sweating Chao greatest fear season is summer, hot weather in the summer, gas are more likely to spread, although the plant had to undergo a rigorous treatment of garbage, but still mixed with some special scent in the air.

Like feces dissolve and some areas of waste treatment plants, olfactory discrimination to ensure that once every quarter. Count down, olfactory discrimination every day at least 3 waste treatment facilities in order to ensure the completion of the task.

垃圾场嗅辨员:“闻臭味”是个技术活 - 垃圾,排放 - IT资讯

收集“臭气”回实验室闻臭检验 排放是否达标鼻子说了算
















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