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published in(发表于) 2016/8/15 14:06:24 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Media: “the unwritten girl“ Fu Yuanhui reticulocyte, subvert the image of Chinese athletes,

Foreign Media: “the unwritten girl“ Fu Yuanhui reticulocyte, subvert the image of Chinese athletes,(外媒:“洪荒少女”傅园慧成网红,颠覆中国运动员形象,)



Foreign Media: "the unwritten girl" Fu Yuanhui reticulocyte, subvert the Chinese athlete's image-the unwritten girl, Fu Yuanhui, net red-IT information

IT information news pool suddenly variable "bi pool", more country flag was exposure appeared making problem, frequently discarded property, China athletes compete for medal appeared accident, this in about games was called is a session "toxic" of games, but phase more Yu these not happy, outside media also concern to China Fu Yuanhui because Frank cute was more than international media forward publicity, influence has not limited to China, Fu Yuanhui is worthy of international network red.

An internationally influential United States media, the Washington Post said Fu Yuanhui is "Rio Olympic Games the most lovable athlete. "The bronze Fu Yuanhui, standing on the podium happier put scissors hand shape, face than the brighter side of the champion a hundredfold. Such vivid expression sparked a wave of foreign Internet users forwarded, and commented "I love this player. ”

BBC said, Chinese athletes won medals in the past after an interview, expressed appreciation to the countries, and will do better next time, this has become routine, "the unwritten girl" disruptive changes people's stereotypes of Chinese athletes.

Chinese users are not overly concerned about the number of gold medals China, Fu Yuanhui sudden fame, may mean that Chinese society better understand the meaning of sport, sports, China's views have changed.

外媒:“洪荒少女”傅园慧成网红,颠覆中国运动员形象 - 洪荒少女,傅园慧,网红 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 游泳池突然变“碧池”,多国国旗被曝出现制作问题,频繁丢弃财物,中国运动员争夺奖牌出现意外,本届里约奥运会被称为是一届“有毒”的奥运会,不过相较于这些不愉快,外媒还关注到中国傅园慧因为坦率可爱被多家国际媒体转发宣传,影响力已经不限于中国,傅园慧是名符其实的国际网红。




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