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published in(发表于) 2016/8/14 18:45:38 Edit(编辑)
The most innovative in the history of Olympic buildings inventory: bird’s nest, water cube list

The most innovative in the history of Olympic buildings inventory: bird’s nest, water cube list(史上最有创意的奥运会场馆盘点:鸟巢、水立方上榜,)



History of the most creative games counting venues: the bird's nest, the water cube's list-Olympics, bird's nest-IT information

Technology Insider Web site reported that sowed the seeds of innovation in the world of the Olympic Games, many stunning sports venues are built to greet the arrival of the Olympic Games. Beijing's bird's nest, complex steel structures and beautiful lights dazzle audiences. Shooting venues in London looks like it came from children's literature, Dr Seuss (Dr. Seuss) sports book.

About the start of these games, science Insider Web site counts the most creative's 13 Olympic venues, they sport buildings have had a sustained and far-reaching impact.

Beijing's bird's nest

Year: 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games was Herzog and de Meuron Architects Designers (Herzog & de Meuron), Li xinggang. Official name of the bird's nest is the Beijing National Stadium, curved steel and criss-cross design make it a giant work of art.

Turin Olympic arches (Olympic Arch)

Year: 2006 Turing Winter Games Designer: Matthew Dutton (Hugh Dutton) Olympic arch is located in Italy, Turing, 68.88-meter across the footbridge connected to the Olympic village and near the stadium.

Berlin Olympic Stadium

Year: 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin designers: weina·Mahe (Werner March) Berlin Olympic Stadium built in Nazi Germany, one of the best places is the stone ring, but some critics have described it as "fascist symbols of absolute disregard for personal. ”

Munich Olympic Stadium

Year: 1972 Munich summer games designers: gante·beiniqi (Günter Behnisch) and fulai·aotuo (Frei Otto) subversion of the Berlin Olympic Stadium in Munich Olympic stadium design, it features a transparent roof extends out, as if to welcome outsiders into.

London shooting range

Year: 2012 Olympics London attacks by: Magma Architecture London shooting range dynamic and graceful beauty, inspired by flow and precision shooting sports features.

The London Olympic Stadium

Year: 2012 London summer Olympic Games Designer: Populous than at any time in the past, make London Olympic Stadium audience watching at close range. The bottom of it sank into the ground, its seats are more compact than other venues. In addition, the podium also adds an extra viewing area around the stadium.

Montreal Olympic Stadium

Year: 1976 Montreal summer Olympic Games designers: luojie·talibote (Roger Taillibert) feature is similar to the Montreal Olympic Stadium of fried bread ring shape and tilt the mast of up to 170 meters. But due process is always associated with mechanical failure, causing it to cost more than $ 1 billion to build.

The Beijing National Aquatics Center

Year: 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games Designer: PTW Architects more known Beijing National Aquatics Centre "water cube", caused a stir on a bubble-like appearance at the 2008 Olympic Games.

Athens Olympic Stadium

Year: 2004 Athens Summer Olympic Games Designer: Weidleplan and Santiago Calatrava (Santiago Calatrava) Athens Olympic Stadium also known as the sipilizong·luyisi (Spyros Louis) Stadium. The stadium is named after Greece bearer sipilizong·luyisi (Spyros Louis), who in 1896, the first modern Olympic Games, Greece won the first and only a gold medal, becoming a national hero. The stadium is known for its bold design.

Yoyogi national gymnasium

Era: the 1964 Tokyo summer games designers: Kenzo Tange (Kenzo Tange) significant design and Japan combine traditional architectural elements, the Yoyogi national sports complex known as "one of the world's most iconic buildings."

ANZ Stadium

Year: 2000 Sydney summer Olympic Games designers: PopulousANZ stadium is the Sydney Olympics "Crown Jewel", it came to reconfigure a movable seating, the stadium can change shape. It can change from rectangular to oval in a few hours.

Rome little Sports Palace

Year: 1960 Rome summer Olympics designers: piaier·luji·naierwei (Pier Luigi Nervi) little Sports Palace was built for the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome one of the smaller stadiums, with elegant y-shaped columns ring a surprise win.

Pan-Athena arena

Year: 1896 Athens Summer Olympic Games, the 2004 Athens Summer Games designers: anasitaxiaosi·matakesasi (Anastasios Metaxas) Pan-Athena site of the stadium is built in the 4th century BC marble Stadium, are often used to organize activities to commemorate the goddess Athena, was later rebuilt to host the 1896 the first modern Olympics. In 2004, the cultural center during the Athens Olympics.

史上最有创意的奥运会场馆盘点:鸟巢、水立方上榜 - 奥运会,鸟巢 - IT资讯

据科技内幕网站报道,奥运会在全球播下了创新的种子,许多令人惊叹的体育场馆就是为了迎接奥运会的到来而建造。比如北京的鸟巢,错综复杂的钢结构和绝美的灯饰让观众眼花缭乱。伦敦的射击场馆看起来就像出自儿童文学家苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)的体育绘本。



年代:2008年北京夏季奥运会设计者是赫尔佐格和德梅隆建筑设计事务所(Herzog & de Meuron)、李兴刚。鸟巢的正式名称是北京国家体育场,曲型钢和纵横交错的设计让它成为体型巨大的艺术品。

都灵奥林匹克圆拱(Olympic Arch)

年代:2006年图灵冬季奥运会设计者:修·达顿(Hugh Dutton)奥运拱门位于意大利图灵市,高达68.88米,横跨奥运村与附近体育场相连的人行桥。


年代:1936年柏林夏季奥运会设计者:维纳·玛赫(Werner March)柏林奥林匹克体育场建造于纳粹德国时期,最吸引人的地方就是石柱环,但有批评家曾将其描述为“法西斯绝对无视个人的象征。”


年代:1972年慕尼黑夏季奥运会设计者:甘特·贝尼奇(Günter Behnisch)与弗赖·奥托(Frei Otto)慕尼黑奥林匹克体育场颠覆了柏林奥林匹克体育场的设计,它采用透明式的顶棚延伸而出,好像在欢迎外界进入。


年代:2012年伦敦袭击奥运会设计者:Magma Architecture伦敦射击场充满活力和婀娜之美,灵感源自射击运动的流动和精度特性。




年代:1976年蒙特利尔夏季奥运会设计者:罗杰·塔利伯特(Roger Taillibert)蒙特利尔奥林匹克体育场的最大特色就是类似炸饼圈的形状和高达170米的倾斜桅杆。但是由于建造过程中总是伴随着机械故障,导致它的建造成本超过10亿美元。


年代:2008年北京夏季奥运会设计者:PTW Architects北京国家游泳中心更多被称为“水立方”,以肥皂泡状的外形在2008年奥运会上引发轰动。


年代:2004年雅典夏季奥运会设计者:Weidleplan和圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)雅典奥林匹克体育场又被称为斯皮里宗·路易斯(Spyros Louis)体育场。这座体育场得名于希腊送水工斯皮里宗·路易斯(Spyros Louis),他曾在1896年首届当代奥运会上,为希腊赢得了首枚也是唯一的一枚金牌,由此成为国家英雄。这座体育场也以大胆设计闻名。


年代:1964年东京夏季奥运会设计者:丹下健三(Kenzo Tange)大幅度的曲线设计和日本传统建筑元素相结合,令代代木国立综合体育馆被称为“世界最具标志性的建筑之一”。




年代:1960年罗马夏季奥运会设计者:皮埃尔·鲁基·奈尔维(Pier Luigi Nervi)罗马小体育宫是为1960年奥运会而建造的多个小型体育场之一,凭借优雅的Y形柱环出人意料地胜出。


年代:1896年雅典夏季奥运会、2004年雅典夏季奥运会设计者:阿纳斯塔西奥斯·马塔克萨斯(Anastasios Metaxas)泛雅典娜体育场原址是公元前4世纪建造的大理石体育场,常被用来举办纪念雅典娜女神活动,后来为举办1896年首届现代奥运会而重建。2004年,雅典奥运会期间成为文化中心。

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