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published in(发表于) 2016/8/24 11:39:07 Edit(编辑)
OCD instant cure, Google’s mysterious data center

OCD instant cure, Google’s mysterious data center(强迫症瞬间治愈,谷歌神秘数据中心,)



OCD instant cure, Google mystery Google data center, data center-IT information

On August 24, as one of the world's Internet giants, Google not only in the United States over domestic cities built a data center, also in Finland, and Belgium and other countries have built data centers overseas.

Corporate data centers and other technology in strict confidence is different, Google likes to upload pictures to share online with friends in the data center, so everyone can be a little bit aware of Google data center in real-world scenarios.

From Google to share some of the photos, the company's data centers are both spectacular and cool, all kinds of equipment and facilities arranged in order, obsessive compulsive disorder, Hi ride.

Here, let us enjoy the Google complex, elegant and spectacular.

强迫症瞬间治愈,谷歌神秘数据中心 - 谷歌,数据中心 - IT资讯





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