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published in(发表于) 2016/8/9 14:18:59 Edit(编辑)
Australia officials reveal MAS MH370: ran out of fuel quickly sank into the sea,

Australia officials reveal MAS MH370: ran out of fuel quickly sank into the sea,(澳大利亚官员揭秘马航MH370事故:燃油耗尽迅速坠海沉没,)



Australian officials reveal MAS MH370: ran out of fuel quickly sank into the sea-MAS MH370,MH370-IT information

Australia transport safety hood 9th said in an interview, MAS 370 aircraft went missing before the crash in an unmanned State after going into the sea.

Australia people Le Monde the same day MAS 370 aircraft incident investigation progress on exclusive interviews with the hood. Reports said Australia scientists said when the plane flew south, automatic signals and satellite earth stations in Perth "handshake", these signals may indicate that the plane is running out of fuel. Scientists by analyzing the signal finally found Australia Western 8:19 on March 9, 2014, the aircraft ran out of fuel, two engine.

Reports through data analysis to simulate flight status displays, MAS 370 aircraft lost power from 35,000 feet (1 foot or about 0.3048 meters) height began to decline rapidly, speed up to 12,000 feet to 20,000 feet per minute, finally hit the surface and quickly sank into the sea.

Hood said: "our analysis of these signals, draw the conclusion that the plane was unmanned at the last minute. "He said the plane may crash in the 120,000 square kilometres of priority within the search area.

At present, Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft underwater search operation is still continuing in the South of India Ocean, priority search area just 10,000 square kilometer area has yet to be completed.

On July 22, Malaysia, and Australia and the Tripartite Council of Ministers issued a joint communique, China said that if the current draw of 120,000 square kilometres of priority search Malaysia Airlines flight 370 aircraft could not be found in the region and a lack of new evidence, search operation will be aborted.

On March 8, 2014, from Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Airlines flew to Beijing, China flight 370 aircraft missing, carrying 239 people. On January 29, 2015, the Malaysia Civil Aviation Authority announced that the plane crash and presumed killing all on board.

澳官员揭秘马航MH370事故:燃油耗尽迅速坠海沉没 - 马航MH370,MH370 - IT资讯








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