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published in(发表于) 2016/8/8 16:10:49 Edit(编辑)
Australia TV series of failures: technical staff hand pick the wrong flag, apologize to China,

Australia TV series of failures: technical staff hand pick the wrong flag, apologize to China,(澳大利亚电视台转播接连失误:技术人员手滑选错国旗、向中国道歉,)



Australia TV series of failures: technical staff hand pick the wrong flag, apologize to China-Rio Olympic Games, China-IT information

IT news , August 8, State television channel 7, Australia recently in front of a live series made more mistakes in the program of the Olympic Games in Rio, triggering Chinese outrage in Australia.

First in the live opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio when the Chinese athletes, the Australian channel 7 cut picture spots directly on national television commercials , and Rio Olympic medal predictions in the show list, and mistakenly replaced the Chinese flag Chile's flag.

Failure in two consecutive Australian Chinese outrage, one online petition launched on the Internet activities, demanded an apology from Australia to China State television channel 7, has received the support of more than 8,000 people.

Under the pressure of public opinion, State television channel 7, Australia spokesman said that two serious errors occurred during the broadcast, expressed to the Chinese the "unreserved" apology. The spokesman claimed that Chinese athletes spot commercials, was found in the live television commercials are always very "difficult".

And mistakenly replaced the Chinese national flag for Chile national flag, it is because it uses a new virtual set technology, computer lists Chile flag next to the Chinese national flag, errors were committed in the selection of staff, producers realized the mistake and immediately removed the virtual set.

澳大利亚电视台转播接连失误:技术人员手滑选错国旗、向中国道歉 - 里约奥运会,中国 - IT资讯






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