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published in(发表于) 2016/8/7 17:11:23 Edit(编辑)
Was banned for taking stimulants can make players strong? ,

Was banned for taking stimulants can make players strong? ,(被禁赛也要服用,兴奋剂能让运动员变多强?,)



Was banned for taking stimulants can make players strong? -Doping, Olympic Games-IT information

November 2015 Russia formally exposed to large-scale systematic doping scandals in track and field. All along, the stimulant was listed as sports doping, doping will affect the competition fair and subject to severe penalties, IAAF Russia Athletics team implementation of the global ban, the Rio Olympic Games Russia Athletics events apart from the kelishina player can participate, all banned.

Stimulants can help athletes improve performance, can make Russia risks massive doping? The brain hole opening in the journal nature, the stimulants can help athletes improve how many results were studied.

Doping a variety of anabolic steroids (Anabolic Steroids) are the most common type. It can trigger protein synthesis, stimulating muscle growth, so as to achieve the objective of increased muscle strength. According to the journal nature, such stimulants and under movement can produce an 38% increase in muscle strength, women more effective. California State University, Thomas d. Fahey test showed that taking steroids can make the players gained an average of about 4 pounds, average increase about 6 pounds of fat weight, weight-lifter in bench press and squat when their weight can be increased on average by about 15 pounds and 30 pounds.

Is another common stimulants HGH (Growth Hormone), and similarly, it can also stimulate muscle growth, but growth still leaves to be desired. In 2010, 152th Meinhardt in the Annals of Internal Medicine published studies have shown that increased capacity for taking human growth hormone can sprint athlete 4%. It seems trivial, but for the athlete who wants to record, HGH can make them improve in every 10 seconds at a speed of 0.1 seconds.

In addition, there is another type of blood doping--erythropoietin (EPO) – play a key role in improving endurance. Athletes taking it can increase the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, improving their own oxygen supply. In 1980, the Buick is published in the journal of Applied Physiology 48th 4th proved that blood doping can increase the physical endurance 34%. Athletes taking EPO, they run on a treadmill 8 km before the time will be shortened by 44 seconds.

But there are also huge amounts of medical research found that side effects of stimulants, such as steroids, steroids of excessive concentration can affect the normal male sexual function, leading to hair loss, infertility and breast development. In women, excessive concentration of steroids can lead to stimulating the development of masculine characteristics, that women face, body hair increases, thickening of the vocal cords, inhibit or interfere with the menstrual cycle, and so on. And the change may be permanent.

"If I could give you a pill, eat it, you can get an Olympic gold medal, but I'm going to kill you in a year, would you do it? "In 1967, teaching fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of medicine, University of Maryland Associate Professor, Dr Gabe Mirkin has been done before the road race, held in Washington, DC, a questionnaire asking athletes. About 100 athletes of the investigation, more than half chose the pill.

It is easy to see, an Olympic gold medal in the athlete's heart is extremely important, which is why doping has huge side effects, athletes are willing to ban huge risk taking.

被禁赛也要服用,兴奋剂能让运动员变多强? - 兴奋剂,奥运会 - IT资讯



兴奋剂有多种,促蛋白合成类固醇(Anabolic Steroids)是最常见的一种。它可以触发蛋白质的合成,刺激肌肉的生长,从而达到增加肌肉力量的目的。根据《自然》杂志,这类兴奋剂在和运动共同作用下可以使男性肌肉力量增加38%,女性服用效果更明显。加利福尼亚州立大学的Thomas D. Fahey试验表明,服用类固醇可以使运动员体重平均增加约4磅,去脂体重平均增加约6磅,举重运动员来在进行仰卧推举和蹲举时,他们的负重可以分别平均增加约15磅和30磅。

另外一种常见兴奋剂是人类生长激素(Growth Hormone),同样的,它也可以刺激肌肉的生长,但其生长效果仍待商榷。2010年,Meinhardt在《内科医学年鉴》第152期发表的研究证明,服用人类生长激素可以使运动员的冲刺能力增加4%。这看起来似乎微不足道,但对于想要破纪录的运动员来说,人类生长激素可以使他们的速度在每10秒内提高0.1秒。



“如果我可以给你一颗药丸,吃了它你可以拿得奥运金牌,但是我要在一年后杀了你,你愿意吗?”在1967年,约翰斯霍普金斯医学院的教学研究员,马里兰大学副教授,Gabe Mirkin博士曾就此在华盛顿特区举行的公路赛前做过一个调查问卷询问多名运动员。在约100名调查运动员中,超过一半的人选择药丸。


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