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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:22:57 Edit(编辑)
Self-timer before the 25-year old female passenger crashed into unique photo: smiling faces,

Self-timer before the 25-year old female passenger crashed into unique photo: smiling faces,(25岁女乘客坠机前自拍成绝照:露出微笑表情,)



Self-timer before the 25-year old female passenger crashed into unique photo: smiling faces-crash, self portrait-IT information

On March 19, a Dubai airlines FZ981 flight in Russia Rostov crash-landed in the River Don, killing all 55 passengers and 7 crew on board. 44 on board Russia and 8 Ukraine people, 2 India and 1-Uzbekistan people. 33 women, 18 men and 4 children. What a shame is that the one Russia female passengers in the aircraft before the crash had been smiling self, resulting photo became absolutely shines.

19th, FZ981 Russia city of Rostov-on-Don airport crashes upon landing, none of the 62 passengers and crew survived, a woman sleeping survived the crash.

Eleanor weila·yisayewa originally bought the airline tickets, she was in a plane crash the night before to attend a friend′s birthday party, and then overslept, drive to the airport, instead of saving her life.

Recently, on board Russia woman Anna·xieergaiyiwa to take pictures before the plane took off from exposure. 25 years of xieergaiyiwa is a makeup artist in the past 6 months, she was in Dubai in the beauty profession, earn a mother and 11-year old brother.

In the photo, xieergaiyiwa sat on the seat on a plane, on a cell phone camera and smiled, and the smile became a farewell.

It was reported that a black box had been recovered from the scene of the accident. Investigation Commission said on its Web site, its experts are investigating possible causes of the accident, including crew errors, technical problems and bad weather.

25岁女乘客坠机前自拍成绝照:露出微笑表情 - 坠机,自拍 - IT资讯







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