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published in(发表于) 2016/8/6 9:50:00 Edit(编辑)
Today’s headlines are Apple users millions of content is just like a telephone pole advertising? ,

Today’s headlines are Apple users millions of content is just like a telephone pole advertising? ,(今日头条被苹果下架,用户近亿内容却似电线杆广告?,)



Today's headlines are Apple users millions of content is just like a telephone pole advertising? -Today's headlines, App Store, Apple-IT information

Under the headline 1, Apple, users welcome

The morning of August 5, today's headlines receives notification of the Apple store's shelves, then began today's headlines have been found in Apple store App.

Not only that, the Chi Mei also found that with today's headlines 20 apps of the same developers (including connotation joke, the laugh will be more pregnancies, great sayings, creative home) are disappearing in the Apple store.

Currently, Apple has not given any response, Apple Insider said: no comment – just as the Apple review team ever "do not face up to the outside world, nor interpreted" style.

This is like today's headlines family 20 little partners group kicked out of Apple, and then ...



According to earlier statistics, a data research firm in China, first half of 2016, today's headlines months reached 96.37 million active users, is second only to the company news (monthly active user 174 million) industry "Dick". But with such a huge user headlines, users of this event in "applause" was not a minority:

Some netizens joked: today's headlines set CCTV, dailies, universal, infinite, foot washing, street, circle of friends, a telephone pole advertising, road corridor, and at the same time.

2, the headline low? Readers still low?

Apples off the shelf applications is not nothing, and today's headlines are sprayed or even a day or two. Criticisms are nothing more than to headline is "copy, pornography, advertising, heading the party", in short a words: low.

But headlines unique personalization recommendation mechanism (which is based on the algorithm for large data, according to reader reads data to judge its preferences, enabling differentiated push) tends to make its adherents and the Navy have a time-tested excuse: not the headline low, you are low.

Chi Mei opened headlines-free for a long time, featured columns in the page top 5 reads as follows :

1 advertising the play for three minutes, the game shocked me

1 political news the Trang general election Presidential winning geometry? Wait a minute, this tree seemed to be saying, 0 comments

1 entertainment news the old nine the door there are two male actors kissing ... His neck touches the chest, 731 reviews

1 video of the woman standing pee I need a reason? , 990,000 times played

1 on the common sense of the foot-long corn is what? Whether you could be cut? 320 comments

This TM is my hobby? Resolute video ... No, resolute unloaded.

(Thanks to headline recommended moving, but I really don't care what corns)

3, lewd content and capricious reader's circle

So here's the thing, why so low the headlines, there are so many people watching?

Zhi Mei think that, on the one hand, awash in sexual innuendo in headlines, entertainment and even violence (cursing is the language of violence), rumors and so on meet the original desire of people on the other, this leave readers young and popular (not elite) trend.

Youth and the general public often means capricious.

Willful people in decision making, will consider more "personal feelings" rather than others ' feelings or ethical, legal, and their mantra is "I like", "I", "let the nature", "deny morality kidnapping", they are more like "pleasure" instead of "autonomy".

Naughty guy is not wrong, of course, but in reading content of choice, "capricious" is not a good thing , it will make people waited patiently to choose more nutritious but exciting content, to satisfy the original desire to direct.

Just like eating potato chips, the pursuit of taste, but not nutrition.

Thus, a vicious circle is formed: the readers of today's headlines → → attracted readers by vulgar content, preferences → headlines headlines recorded the reader recommends more vulgar content → readers more involved ...

For readers, due to the willful, the vast majority of readers can not escape from this cycle , after all, to them, enjoy the present stimulus than personal qualities, what do four young people this far and more seductive.

For content producers, high quality content out and excellent media gave up the headlines into other new media platforms, and those of the standing woman pee I need a reason? The publishers of, taste the sweetness, smell the stink of, more favorite headlines, no limit ...

For headlines, and vulgar content currently markets--after all willful cases this means traffic and advertising revenue. So for commercial interests, made headlines for these turn a blind eye.

4, medium shape person, the top shape low b?

In fact, the problem behind today's headlines vulgar content, are "high growth with low quality content to bring traffic" and "brand of high quality content is slow" the contradiction between the two, which forced by reality, the latter based on ideals, but the ideal is very busty, reality is skinny.

Communications guru Marshall McLuhan said: "we shape our tools, and tools, in turn, shape our", meaning total media in subtle shaping. And now sits on nearly a billion users of today's headlines, on the reader's responsibility is self-evident.

If we do not solve this problem in the future, today's headlines may not be shaping, but shaping the low b.

Source: micro-save paper, public media

今日头条被苹果下架,用户近亿内容却似电线杆广告? - 今日头条,App Store,苹果 - IT资讯
































4、媒介塑造人,头条塑造low B?



若不解决这个矛盾,未来,今日头条或许不是塑造人,而是塑造low B。

本文来源:微信公众号 解救纸媒

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