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published in(发表于) 2016/3/20 7:01:57 Edit(编辑)
Helio,X20 mediatek could fight Qualcomm? ,

Helio,X20 mediatek could fight Qualcomm? ,(Helio,X20能否让联发科力拼高通?,)



Helio X20 mediatek could fight Qualcomm? -Helio X20, mediatek, MTK-IT information

After a long time in the making, mediatek (hereinafter referred to as mediatek) XI (Helio) X20 mobile processors, published on March 16, presented its upgraded version of X25.

In fact, Helio X20 as early as the middle of last year have all mobile phone manufacturers to test, but there was a hot rumor. Was almost released today should be problem-solving, and X25 X20, to be launched this year with frequency and performance improvement.

Meizu technology President Bai Yongxiang, letv Mobile CEO Feng Xing, 360 phones President Zhu Fanghao, TCL Communications CEO Guo Aiping, the boss of mobile phone manufacturers to mediatek X20 Shenzhen Conference site platform, Le Feng Xing also revealed that second-generation products be powered-XI X20, is expected to launched in the industry X20 the production version mobile phone products, stocking level of at least a million.

For many years, MTK keep prices low performance high performance positioning, Helio X20 high-end now, do MTK organic threat to Qualcomm?

And Helio X20 strength

Helio X20 SOC is a 64weishi of the three clusters, two of the most high-performance core Cortex A72, highest frequency up to 2.3GHz (enhanced version of X25 frequency can reach 2.5GHZ), 64-bit Mali-T880 MP4 780MHz GPU, supports seven mode wide-band network, support 25 million pixels camera, 2K screen, 4K video, fast charge 3.0 (20 minutes of 75%), Vulkan API, and Mobile payment platform.

Helio X20 is the core technology of CorePilot3.0 between the three CPU clusters to free the ten core schedule and match, Max can go to a higher frequency, Min can save more electricity, can be assigned to a more appropriate kernel, to maximize power saving goals. For the index data, X20 core architecture processors to reduce average power consumption compared to traditional size 30%, power 15%.

According to MTK own X20 friends of business products, 17.22% advantage website, rabbit run is a whopping 86.04% advantage. In practical applications, X20 grab a red envelope, and other popular applications have far better than competing products at the same level of performance, compared to last year′s product over 80% of winning. With SilkSwipe smooth technology to achieve the fastest draw and reaction speed of the system, with to the user a smoother sliding screen experience, 45 millisecond response time is faster than the iPhone 6 Plus 55 milliseconds.

MTK PPT blow is very hot, Helio X20 in high performance mode is still weak, it is after all only 2 core A72, in applications that support quad-core, Helio X20 was not Gao Tongxiao and the Dragon 820 or think Kirin 950 compared to the sea.

But Helio Helio X20 of X20 advantages, its three clusters, A53 small core to medium performance parts covered, the Xiao long 820 and Kirin 950 more advantages in performance per watt.

In low demand, Kirin is 950 and Helio X20 low frequency A53, is a draw, Xiao long core of 820 to suffer a lot. In medium demand, Helio X20 optimal power consumption.

High performance, Helio X20, although power consumption is not high, but its two core spell but Xiao long 820 and Kirin 950 of the four, so Helio X20 main advantages also in terms of power consumption.

Otherwise, GPU Helio above X20 specification is not high, not long compared to 820, and mycophenolate mofetil, but SilkSwipe experience under the silky core technology can protect the weak, and Helio X20 there are also on display, camera and VR and optimization, are the icing on the cake of things, does not constitute a core competency. Helio X20 strength can only say yes, is not completely beyond the 950 Gao Tongxiao and the Dragon Kirin 820.

Second, Helio X20 threat: Qualcomm?

In 2015, Qualcomm developed heart trouble, had to use the public version of the ARM A57 core, core and ARM A57 just don′t do very well, heat too large, too high power consumption, high throughput of a large number of partners is bypassed using mycophenolate mofetil A57 core 810.

It can be said that 2015 is MTK the best opportunities to enter the high-end market. In fact, the release in 2015 Kirin 950 becomes the best Android handset SOC for some time. Huawei Hass also became a member of the market for high-end SOC normally, and Qualcomm, Samsung and neck.

MTK started very early, but ran into trouble in the process. Released product was in March 2016 now, Qualcomm has passed the most difficult time, Xiao long 820 products already widespread distribution. And a lot of the brand′s flagship product has been used.

Although the MTK and Meizu, partners such as cool, but Samsung, Huawei, OPPO,vivo flagship product no, MTK′s position does not come on, good performance is difficult to challenge the high end, and Helio X20 performance is no advantage.

Three wide, high walls, JI Liang, slow King

In terms of performance, than a year ago, MTK MT6595 is close to the top level, but few use, MTK deliberately support Meizu in midrange products use the chip.

Today Helio X20 and then MT6595, rely on this product is challenging Qualcomm, to enter the high-end market is difficult.

MTK currently do not enter high-end, but in 2000 around the mid-market foothold, tianji′s horse racing strategy, mid price, high-end performance, the popularity of the brand as much as possible. If Huawei, Lenovo, Samsung, millet, OPPO, VIVO, strange, Meizu brand popularity, MTK has stopped in the midrange market.

We all know MTK′s performance is good, the price is affordable, low property and is not the same thing, then the MTK was to try to enter the high-end.

Huawei Hass also mocked years K3V2, over two years time, so MTK requires patience, one step at a time to slow down.

Helio X20能否让联发科力拼高通? - Helio X20,联发科,MTK - IT资讯

经过长时间的酝酿,联发科技(以下简称联发科)曦力(Helio )X20移动处理器于3月16日正式发布,其升级版X25也正式亮相。

其实,Helio X20早在去年年中就已经给各个手机厂商测试,但是一度有过热传言。如今发布应该是问题解决的差不多了,而将于年内推出的X25相比X20会有频率和性能上的提升。


多年以来,MTK保持低价低性能高性价比的定位,如今Helio X20定位高端,MTK有机会威胁高通吗?

一、Helio X20的实力

Helio X20是一颗64位十核的三簇SOC,两个最高性能的Cortex A72核心,最高主频达2.3GHz(增强版X25主频可以达到2.5GHZ),64位Mali-T880 MP4 780MHz GPU,支持七模全频网络、支持2500万像素摄像头、2K显示屏、4K视频拍摄、快充3.0(20分钟充满75%)、Vulkan API、移动支付平台等。

Helio X20的核心技术是通过CorePilot3.0在三个CPU簇之间对十个核心进行自由调度和随性搭配,Max可以跑到更高的频率,Min可以更省电,工作可以被分配到更适合的核,来达到最大化省电的目标。从数据指标来说,X20的平均功耗相比传统大小核架构处理器降低30%,运算能力提升15%。

按照MTK自己说法X20相比友商的产品,网页浏览方面有17.22%的优势,安兔兔跑分更是高达86.04%的优势。在实际应用中,X20在抢红包等热门应用中具有远胜同级竞品的表现,对比友商去年的产品有80%以上的胜率。而借助SilkSwipe丝滑技术实现最快的绘图与系统反应速度,带给用户更流畅的滑屏体验,45毫秒的响应时间已比iPhone 6 Plus的55毫秒更快。

MTK的PPT吹的很利害,其实Helio X20在高性能模式下还是比较弱的,它毕竟只有2颗A72核心,在支持四核心的应用中,Helio X20是无法与高通骁龙820或者海思麒麟950相比的。

但是,Helio X20有Helio X20的优势,它的三簇结构,把中等性能部分用A53的小核心来覆盖,这比骁龙820和麒麟950在性能功耗比上更有优势。

在低性能需求下,麒麟950和Helio X20都是低频A53解决,算是平手,骁龙820的大核心要吃亏不小。而在中等性能需求下,Helio X20的功耗最优的。

到了高性能,Helio X20虽然功耗也不高,但是它的两个大核心拼不过骁龙820和麒麟950的四个,所以Helio X20的优势主要还在功耗上。

其他方面,GPU上面Helio X20规格不高,不能与骁龙820相比,但是SilkSwipe丝滑技术可以保障弱核心下的体验,此外,Helio X20还有一些对显示效果,摄像头以及VR的优化,都是锦上添花的东西,不构成核心竞争力。Helio X20的实力只能说还不错,尚不能完全超越麒麟950与高通骁龙820。

二、Helio X20能威胁高通吗?




虽然MTK也有魅族,酷派等合作伙伴,但是三星,华为,OPPO,vivo的旗舰产品不用,MTK的定位就上不来,性能不错也难挑战高端,况且Helio X20的性能还没有什么优势。



如今Helio X20和当年MT6595其实地位差不多的,依靠这款产品就挑战高通,进军高端市场还是难了点。




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