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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:36:45 Edit(编辑)
Germany student get zero points: Sorry, Chinese mathematics too difficult,

Germany student get zero points: Sorry, Chinese mathematics too difficult,

Germany student get zero points: Sorry, Chinese mathematics too difficult-Germany students, Chinese mathematics too difficult-IT information Germany student get zero points: Sorry, Chinese mathematics too difficult

Today, an article titled "Germany students: Sorry, China math is too hard! "Twitter is crazy friends forward.

Show the microblogging is a school in China's 17-year old Germany boy exam papers later said: "mathematics 0 minutes, 16 points of history, writing does not know what to write ... ... Studying at a middle school in Tianjin Germany boy, on a variety of tests, "Alexander pressure." Liberal Arts teacher evaluation in agreement but he writes well and is very neat! ”

In this regard, the Netizen said: "good math teacher cruel, at least to leave a home. "And some enthusiastic Netizen said:" please contact, I can give him guidance. ”

? Germany classmate Huang Tianhao (Alexander)

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