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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 8:08:14 Edit(编辑)
Increase your circle of friends live, micro-focusing on what? ,

Increase your circle of friends live, micro-focusing on what? ,(增加朋友圈直播功能,微信在纠结什么?,)



Increase your circle of friends live, micro-focusing on what? -Micro letters, friends, live-IT information

Today's Internet industry, one of the most popular is the "live"-entertainment live, mobile phone live release, cars release live game show broadcast on the stick even a traditional household appliance activities "broadcast live" to highlight the elements of their mobile Internet. And major broadcast platform competition has been heating up phase. A few days ago, rumors has a few millions of users of the micro-opening will be broadcast operations, if the news is true, then for the broadcasting industry, will usher in more competition.

Micro letter enclosure "live"?

It is revealed that micro-business planning into the broadcast market, at present or in the preparatory work . This reporter an interview with Tencent public relations person, the other side says not responding.

It is understood that as early as in earlier, domestic questions platform "know" and "pit" questions and micro-letter message there--to enter the live app will launch a live feature? In a matter of days have attracted various internal and external persons or air leaks, or suggestions. Panda TV, Zhuang Minghao, Deputy revealed: "micro-streaming feature has developed the letter (not that hard), but this feature was not ultimately, I guess Zhang Xiaolong to do some tradeoffs and inside game. ”

For heat broadcast industry not only is Tencent, Alibaba, 360, millet, letv already staking--investments, such as live streaming platform, or build the platform, or even both. It is understood that Tencent, so far, Tencent live, penguins live, NOW live, tricks live live, QQ space, and many live content, even though each focuses on different content, but there is still doubt, as Tencent micro-letter one whether it is necessary to live? If there are duplicate build suspicion?

Last Saturday (July 30), micro-fault broke out at noon , there is media speculation are online live. Subsequently, the Tencent Public Relations Director Zhang Twitter responded, "minor bug, are stepping up their repair, resume, wait a moment." He also says, this failure is not large, but it does affect a portion of the account, is being repaired.

Circle of friends play live your love

"App to do live? Like friends advertising do? "Recently, our reporter friends speaking of the rumored app to do live, so the first reaction of many people. If the app to do live, will you do? People in the industry believe that, compared to micro-blog, Mo Mo, QQ space, slightly more closed, with a live property is close to the circle of friends, a lot of people are like friends on photos, videos, text messages, in fact everything was in my life. But their friends live, the length of the video is worthy of discussion Papi red sauce-will net nearly 90 minutes of live into your circle of friends, do you want to watch in its entirety? In addition, micro-letter forwarding limited impact, cannot be the same as Twitter, live all fans will receive a reminder when reminder came to live.

However, Mo Mo's Vice President for broadcast operations javey sees another possibility, he said, micro-live may not be pure social scene. Tools, this one to many broadcast by the public, and subsequent commercial development has a great imagination. Of course, if the app to do live, feeling the pressure of not only theology, theology.

增加朋友圈直播功能,微信在纠结什么? - 微信,朋友圈,直播 - IT资讯










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