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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:42:42 Edit(编辑)
NET Japan SOFTBANK at close to £ 23.4 billion acquisition ARM,

NET Japan SOFTBANK at close to £ 23.4 billion acquisition ARM,(网传日本软银以接近234亿英镑收购ARM,)



NET Japan SOFTBANK at close to £ 23.4 billion acquisition of ARM-software, acquisition, ARM-IT information

IT information news on July 18, mobile processors industry as the world's leading providers of semiconductor design, the current 95% of the world's mobile devices using the ARM architecture processors, chips based on ARM technology from birth to now has 60 billion. ARM architecture processor has the characteristics of high performance, low cost and energy consumption. In smartphones, tablets, embedded control, multimedia digital processor has a leading position in the field.

According to the New York Times reported that Japan SOFTBANK Group will be closer to £ 23.4 billion ($ 207.2 billion yuan) to buy United Kingdom chip maker ARM. Sources said the deal has not been completed, the deal could become United Kingdom from the European Union after the first large acquisition transactions.

If the deal is completed, industry will have a greater impact for mobile processor, this from the United Kingdom the chip designer's current market value is about $ 22 billion (about 147.1 billion yuan).

网传日本软银以接近234亿英镑收购ARM - 软件,收购,ARM - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月18日消息,作为移动处理器行业全球领先的半导体设计方案提供商,目前全世界95%的移动设备都在使用ARM架构处理器,从诞生到现在为止基于ARM技术的芯片有600亿颗 。ARM架构处理器具有性能高、成本低和能耗省的特点。在智能机、平板电脑、嵌入控制、多媒体数字等处理器领域拥有主导地位。



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