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The New York Times: Mobile, United States “reference“ China technology

The New York Times: Mobile, United States “reference“ China technology(《纽约时报》:移动领域,美国“借鉴”中国技术,)



The New York Times: Mobile, United States "reference" China technology-travel to the last drop, step, Silicon Valley-IT information

The New York Times said on Tuesday, China has been following Silicon Valley's footsteps, but after in smart phones gaining popularity, mobile technology has been at the forefront of the world. In the mobile space, it is precisely the United States often copying China's technology. Following is a summary of the article content:

Instant Messaging service Kik and Snapchat, by letting users take pictures using a Smartphone's camera, like a drunken bar code to connect and share information; Facebook is implanted around the car and payment functions in the Messenger application; Facebook and Twitter has launched a video-streaming service. All these developments have one thing in common: these technologies has become the first popular in the Chinese market.

Micro-and pay two application already uses QR code, allows users to buy goods and transfer. These applications can also do not need to switch to the other application cases, let users about car, or ordering a pizza. Video streaming service YY years ago has launched a service, network video camera in red are sitting at home playing with before pose, talking and singing.

For a long time, Silicon Valley has been a global technology source: it was the birthplace of social networks and the iPhone, and let these technology products all over the world. China has been following Silicon Valley's footsteps, because the Chinese Government's support for the localization of Google, YouTube and Twitter to start rising.

But China's technology industry--especially mobile services – in some ways has begun ahead of the United States. Western technology companies, even tech giant, began to learn from Chinese companies. Kik founder Taide·liwensidun (Ted Livingston) says, "we see that China has made further ahead. ”

This shift means that the prospects for China in the global technology industry will have more of a say in the direction. Use mobile devices to pay bills, order services, watch videos or query as China has more subscribers than any country in the world. Mobile payments in China last year, surpassing the United States. It is estimated that from the informal network of P2P lending bank also managed to do that.

China's large Internet company, is the world's only with United States competitors compete in terms of size of the company. Drops on Monday announced the acquisition of China, shows that at least in China, local companies can beat from the United States the world's largest and most complex start-up Uber.

Liu Zheng (Liu Zheng, transliteration) is located in the downtown of noodle shops, you can find online payments as well as participation in the future. Now 60 years old, Liu Xiu (Liu Xiu, transliteration) and 55 year old neighbor Zhang Lixin (Zhang Lixin, transliteration), through letters found this noodle shop. Them through letters and pay a lunch, and took a picture outside the restaurant. All of this is done through the app.

Noodle shop boss Liu Zheng said, orders and payments automatically, meaning that he was able to reduce the wages of waiters. "Our future needs only two attendants, helping arrange the seats, one to the restaurant for help," said Liu Zheng.

Industry noted that China opened up many new areas. On a date before applying the Tinder, Chinese users has from Mo Mo chat with singles around. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos) discussion with drones before the transport of the goods, Chinese media have reported that Chinese Shun Feng express courier company has been testing the idea. App in Facebook applications provides fast before news articles before WhatsApp developed the walkie-talkie feature; and before Snapchat started using QR codes.

Venmo became United States prior to the millennial generation, transfer, and neither China's young and old, digital wallets has been adopted based on Smartphone transfers, pay bills, or buying goods from the shop. Market research firm Ben·tangpusen, founder Stratechery (Ben Thompson) says, "frankly speaking, plagiarism, China United States technology is not true. In the mobile world this situation is just the opposite: is the United States often copied in China. Facebook Messenger application, want to know the wiring diagram of the best way is to look at the app. " Up to now, both Facebook and Tencent spokesman declined to comment on the report.

Like Facebook and smaller competitors such as Kik company executives are now trying to replicate China's situation: the dominant online platform will take up more time. Most of these efforts have focused on chat.

"Chat is becoming the user operating system of daily life, this is very cool," Livingston said. "Go to the vending machine, ordering food, about: chat to support these interactions, this is the scene we see in the app. ”

In the important areas of China are still behind the United States. China's most powerful, high-end servers and supercomputers are often still partially dependent on United States technologies. Virtual reality of startups, China is following in the footsteps of their foreign counterparts, and Google also in driverless car projects well ahead of China. Many Chinese products are lack of United States products, like its peers highlights.

Many analysts believe that China's biggest advantage is that many industries are starting from scratch after the 1976 cultural revolution. With United States banks and retailers have long controlled the consumer, low efficiency of China's State-owned banks, retailers expansion ability, unable to serve the fast-growing middle class.

Many consumers don't even have to buy a PC, it also means that for more than 600 million Chinese smart phone users, smart phones could be their main, and perhaps it is also the first Internet-enabled devices. Thompson said,"the United States is the world's first countries to launch a credit card, every American has a PC. But in China, everyone has been using mobile phones. This was across PC and age of credit cards in China, leading directly on the mobile commerce and mobile payments. ”

Chinese companies have different approaches in dealing with Internet business. United States technology companies emphasize simplicity of application. But in China, the BAT three Internet companies scrambling to implant more features in a single application.

Alibaba Group's Taobao shopping application, users can buy articles of daily use, network gaming card, scan the coupon and special offers find nearby retail stores. Map applications by letting users do Uber about cars, restaurant or hotel, ordering food, buying movie tickets or search for a nearby store.

Tencent has opened the app to other companies, allowing their application in the app. The door cut into the automotive aftermarket e maintenance maintenance business, started operations at the beginning of almost completely on app to attract business. Says peak, one of the founders of the company, e-maintenance is still dependent on micro-and 50% pay and 20% in the company's new customers are still coming from the app. He said, "we began in the app, so the app is still our main, the original channels for customer acquisition. ”

Nomura Securities expects by charging a service fee and revenue from online gaming, tiny letters have been able to pass $ 7 revenue per user per year. App now has approximately 700 million users, than the sum of smart-phone users in China, which originated from parts of micro-credit in the Chinese market, or has multiple micro-accounts.

United States different mobile application revenue mainly from advertising, the app's revenue comes mainly from the games, and selling products and services in the application. Venture capital firm New Enterprise Associates partner card Chang (Carmen Chang) that they may not transfer directly from one market to another market, but the market could learn from each other. "China has the ability to develop a large number of innovative business models. Admit it or not in Silicon Valley, which has affected us and our ideas. ”

《纽约时报》:移动领域,美国“借鉴”中国技术 - 滴滴出行,优步,硅谷 - IT资讯





不过中国的科技产业——尤其是移动业务——在某些方面已经开始领先于美国。一些西方科技公司,甚至是科技巨头,也开始向中国公司取经。Kik创始人泰德·利文斯顿(Ted Livingston)表示,“我们看到中国已取得进一步的领先。”



在刘征(Liu Zheng,音译)位于北京市区的面馆里,就能够发现未来的在线支付以及参与情况。现年60岁的刘秀(Liu Xiu,音译)和55岁的邻居张立新(Zhang Lixin,音译),通过微信发现了这家面馆。他们通过微信并支付了午餐,并在餐厅外照了一张自拍照。所有的这一切均通过微信应用完成。


产业龙头们指出,中国开创了许多新领域。在约会应用Tinder之前,中国用户早已使用陌陌与周围的单身进行聊天。在亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)讨论用无人机运输货物之前,中国媒体就已报道称,中国快递公司顺丰快递就已在试验这一构想。微信Facebook之前就已提供快速的应用内新闻文章;在WhatsApp之前开发出对讲机功能;并在Snapchat之前开始使用二维码。

在Venmo成为美国千禧一代的转账应用之前,无论是中国的年轻人还是老年人,都已通过基于智能手机的数字钱包转账、支付账单、或是从商店里购买商品。市场调研公司Stratechery创始人本·汤普森(Ben Thompson)说,“坦白的讲,中国抄袭美国的技术早已不是事实。在移动领域这种情况刚好相反:是美国经常在抄袭中国。就拿Facebook Messenger应用来说,想要了解这款应用线路图的最佳方式就是看看微信。”截止目前,Facebook腾讯发言人均对此报道未予置评。










与美国移动应用的营收主要来自于广告业务不同,微信的营收主要来自于游戏、以及应用中售出的产品和服务。风险投资公司New Enterprise Associates合伙人卡门·常(Carmen Chang)表示,这些模式可能不能从一个市场直接转移到另一个市场,但市场间可以相互借鉴。“中国有能力开发出大量的创新业务模式。无论硅谷承认与否,这些已经影响到了我们和我们的想法。”

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