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published in(发表于) 2016/7/23 7:45:06 Edit(编辑)
China’s well-known nuclear scientist member of the TA, died at the age of 80,

China’s well-known nuclear scientist member of the TA, died at the age of 80,(中国著名核科学家陈达院士逝世,享年80岁,)



China's well-known nuclear scientist member of the TA, died at the age of 80-member, scientist-IT information

On July 23, a prominent Chinese nuclear scientists, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of CAs, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Professor gay treatment due to illness Chanda, died in Nanjing on July 22, 2016 at 8:09, at the age of 80.

Member of the TA, Nantong city, Jiangsu Province, born in July 1937, in 1963 graduated from the Department of engineering physics, Tsinghua University, 2001 employment in the Nanjing Aeronautics and Astronautics University Professor, doctoral supervisor, was elected in November 2001 as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Has been a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Advisory Committee, Vice Chairman of the Department of technical sciences, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Su, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Advisory Committee, Member of the Professional Committee of China physics medical physics consultant, Chairman of the Professional Committee of Jiangsu Province, medical physics and so on.

Chanda academician engaged in nuclear science and technology research, nuclear Diagnostics made a number of research results in the field. Commitment to, and participation in national and provincial research projects over more than 50 and was awarded the second prize of national invention 2, third prize 1, national scientific and technological progress second prize 2, ministerial second prize of technology progress, 6, Guanghua science and Technology Fund Award 1.

In September 2013, led by Member of the TA to declare the State's major scientific equipment development project "industrial material development and application of real-time online inspection instrument" smoothly approved, project the project for southern nuclear science and technology and other related disciplines and the development of the great leading role.

中国著名核科学家陈达院士逝世,享年80岁 - 院士,科学家 - IT资讯





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