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published in(发表于) 2016/7/22 7:55:40 Edit(编辑)
There are 18 million Internet users in China is less than 10 years old: half of the children under five years old on the Internet,

There are 18 million Internet users in China is less than 10 years old: half of the children under five years old on the Internet,(中国有1800万网民不到10岁:一半儿童不到五岁就上网,)



There are 18 million Internet users in China is less than 10 years old: half of the children under five years old on the Internet-Internet age, minors-IT information

Five or six little doll, a cell phone in her arms, fingers skillfully slide on the screen, "watermelon" cutting too fast; one meal, you get to the front of the computer, open the video site, watch "head strong" laugh at night had to listen to an episode of Goodnight little sheep, or noisy than sleeping ... ... Such scenes become commonplace in today's Internet era.

China Internet network information center statistics show that by the end of 2015, total number of Internet users in China had reached 688 million, 19 per cent of all Internet users 24.1% users under the age, in which Internet users over 18 million below the age of 10 years old. "Little worms" more and more, how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and guiding children safe on the Internet? How to defend against infringement, building a secure network environment? These concern.

Internet low age become commonplace

"Children are from a few years to start network of contacts? ”

Qin in Wuhan of Hubei Province wanted to said: "it should be two or three years. A crying child, how to coax coax is not good, I'll give kids cell phone pictures and animations, kids quieted down right away. Over time, I got used to in such a way to divert attention from children. But I found that in fact this is a wrong way, and now kids want to watch cartoons every day, don't show him still angered, is really a headache. ”

In China, such as "little worms" have become important members of the army. Not long ago, the Tencent company issued the guidelines on child-safe Internet access report data show that 90% children (minors under the age of 18) access to the Internet in everyday life, urban children's net rate of nearly 95%. More and more small children age of first contact, the report says, 56%-children's initial Internet age less than 5 years old.

"This is an age of the Internet, children living in such an environment, the Internet is their way of life, they are really ' the Web '. "" Voices of youth "youth development service-Union experts said Sun Hongyan," we often see this phenomenon, parents with game play with a child, to shoot video of children, and even some mother feeding her child, one hand holding a cell phone to brush your circle of friends. Environment, children inevitably answer, therefore, low Internet age is normal. Predictable network into the children's lives the world time and earlier, and will increasingly, networks must become an important force in children's lives. ”

Network risks tend to be more subtle

Brought their children cell phones computer, Swan Lake District, Hefei city, Anhui Province, song was angry. "Children playing games on a mobile, and myopic eyes. "Sighed song," bad information in the network is so impossible. "In zaozhuang city, Shandong province, Yuan often were startled by unexpected pop-up on a Web site:" when you browse news, watch suddenly popping a dialog box or a small video, many of which are unhealthy. As a parent, I am worried if the child see this information, whether because of curiosity goes in to watch? ”

Many risks to children's Internet access. Tencent launched the "children's online protection survey", online scams, bad information, cyber-bullying to become three major dangers encountered in the process of children on the Internet, with the highest proportion of Internet fraud, 61%. China Youth and children Research Center in 2016 's latest data also showed that Chinese senior high school students suffer from Internet infringement of a very prominent. 47.2% of high school students have the network password stolen from the experience, 42.3% received the false claims on the Internet, 17%, online shopping has been deceived. In addition, online were threat 7.5%, personal photos or videos on the Internet were malicious spreading of 7%, suffered a gang bullying on the Internet at 5%.

Easy, online fraud and stolen property risk adverse long-term attention information easy to induce crime; cyber-bullying and harassment cause psychological harm ... ... Compared in terms of the risks of everyday life, the network risks because out of sight of school and family, so are often more subtle, more likely to result in serious consequences.

Parents do not need to talk about the net

As children grow older, teenagers use the Internet with increasing frequency, use the purpose of the network is changing. The Internet guidelines for child safety report shows that low among preschool and school-age children under 8 years old, watch videos, play games, listen to stories and other entertainment is the main purpose of Internet access, while for senior pupils and middle school students, playing games and writing occupied most of their Internet time.

Internet access after all good for children? Survey data shows that in the adult respondents, believe that children use the Internet outweigh the disadvantages of 26%, 34% think does more harm than good, the rest is considered bad to say. 77.4% parents of children using Internet for positive intervention or guidance, overall security concern for parents of young children on Internet.

"Form the old saying goes, the Internet is indeed a ' double-edged sword '. "China Youth Research Center researcher Zhao Xia said," parents on children's concerns in many aspects of the Internet. First is on health of effect, worried screen reading effect children vision, long sat effect children growth development; second is on learning cognitive of effect, worried Internet easy caused children learning distracted, and abstract thinking derogation,; three is on behavior of effect, worried children contact bad information, imitation bad behavior; IV is on character of effect, worried children missing social interactive, interpersonal contacts capacity reduced, and so on. These fears are not unreasonable, but parents do not need ' on the net '. After all, facilitation and sharing of network, gives children a new way of learning, ways of thinking, lifestyle and dating. Internet child should master the important ability from an early age. ”

Create a network security environment

How to avoid the risk of children's Internet access? Tencent jointly launched in China, the number of popular science guide to citizen security growth suggested that young people not at liberty to disclose personal and critical information, don't take on a network all kinds of "free lunch", ignore the bad information, not to open strange link or email from strangers, don't be alone with a strange to meet them. In addition, once found deficiencies, required for the first time to discuss with parents.

Network is a public place, let the network security awareness wind put down roots and make the network space environment fresh, concerted efforts are needed.

Help kids develop good habits of Internet use, training must be media information literacy, parents should assume primary responsibility. Experts suggest "Open Jam" moderate Internet access, select the appropriate digital products according to their age.

"Some parents think I they do not use the Internet, home network, without a computer, so that the child would be safe. But the survey found that more parents refused the network, the higher proportion of child Internet addiction. "Sun Hongyan said," parents must know how to network, accepted the network, learn from each other and grow together with their children. ”

For schools, the Internet safety education as one of the courses. China Youth and children Research Center for China and the United States, Japan and South Korea four State high school student safety awareness survey, Chinese high school students who had received Internet safety education in at least four countries, only 60%. Jiang Cheng, an associate professor at Peking University College of education believe that school information technology curriculum should focus on improving students ' comprehensive quality of information, strengthen network security education to help children recognize around network security threats, increase individual awareness.

Strengthening environmental governance is the responsibility of Government. Bupt said Xie Yongjiang, Deputy Director of the Center for Internet governance and law: "Governments should further regulate Internet operations, scientific information classification system, development of industry standards, and accelerate the legislative process, improve law supervision measures, effectively dissolving network risk. ”

In addition, enterprises should also strengthen industry self-regulation of the Internet, creating a secure network environment. Tencent Peng Yang, Director of the information security Committee, said Internet companies deal with all kinds of active prevention and control Internet content so that children can correctly and appropriately for online entertainment. For example, high utilization rates to minors online entertainment, games, special protection design for product-specific, set anti-addiction mechanisms to strengthen prevention and filtering of information that may harm children.

中国有1800万网民不到10岁:一半儿童不到五岁就上网 - 网龄,未成年 - IT资讯
























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