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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:47:36 Edit(编辑)
Malaysia man missile into the dining car: selling fast food on the street,

Malaysia man missile into the dining car: selling fast food on the street,(马来西亚男子将导弹车改成餐车:街头卖快餐,)



Malaysia man missile into the dining car: street selling fast food-missiles, fast-food-IT information

July 20 Malaysia Selangor businessman purchased vehicle and pretend to be a van, but he doesn't require removal of camouflage and installed on the roof of two "missiles", resulting in a panic alarm. Police vehicle sale process legitimate, but buyers must clear the camouflage, also could not be retrofitted, "missiles".

Singapore United morning post July 20, Sepang District Officer Abdul Aziz Mohamad said on 20th and 19th complaint to the police, a car packed with "missile" military vehicles wandering in the Cyberjaya area. He said that in order to avoid panic, police have impounded two vehicles converted vans and arrested two Malaysian men to assist in the investigation.

▲ Selangor people driving this car "missile truck" the street causing panic

He said police investigations revealed that the vehicle was purchased legally, but the owner to retain military camouflage and installing the missiles violated regulations. "It is understood that the businessman to purchase vehicles and converted into a food truck, mainly to laugh uproariously. But according to the Ordinance, owners of original camouflage of vehicles must be cleared. ”

马来西亚男子将导弹车改成餐车:街头卖快餐 - 导弹,快餐 - IT资讯

7月20日报道 马来西亚雪兰莪一名商人购买军车并装成快餐车,但他没按规定清除迷彩,还在车顶加装两枚“导弹”,结果引起民众恐慌而报警。警方指军车买卖过程合法,但购买者必须清除迷彩,也不能加装“导弹”。




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