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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:47:22 Edit(编辑)
Employment Outlook: low wages but also to first-tier cities, self service,

Employment Outlook: low wages but also to first-tier cities, self service,(大学生就业观:工资低也要到一线城市,不干服务业,)



Employment Outlook: low wages but also to first-tier cities, self service-college student employment-IT information

For the students of the graduation season, due to lack of experience, it is difficult for them to first job requirements are satisfied.

Tianjin University trade graduates liuqin (not his real name) has been training in a State-owned commercial banks, will soon post. At present, her less than 3000 Yuan a month, but her overall satisfied.

"Finding a job is not just for the money, also work to bring you anything. "On July 19, Qin Liu said to reporters about her work.

The reporter learns, college students at an historic high of 7.65 million this year. Access to information from the education sector is that university graduates to sign stability as a whole.

Survey shows that even if the salary is not high, many students still prefer to work in first-tier cities. In addition, some college students choose a lower wage, but you can expect a certain prospect of work, such as volunteer teaching in the West, or "three help" (agriculture, teaching, medical and poverty relief work).

University student employment difficulty

According to the figures released by the Department of human resources, national urban 7.17 million new jobs in the first half of this year, essentially flat with the same period last year. Registered urban unemployment rate at the end was 4.05% in the second quarter, there was a slight increase in the first quarter, but the total is still at a low level. 31 towns in big cities survey unemployment data for May was 5.02%, and overall stability. In addition, Education Department data show that students left school contracted rate and last year for the first time.

However, according to the research report to be provided to the labour market, second quarter of this year, with the large number of college graduates entering the job market, its low employment difficult.

2016 Nanjing human resources supply and demand in the second quarter report showed that upon graduation, Nanjing has a large number of graduates flocking to the job market, coupled with the college students in previous years, resulting in job-seekers soared in the second quarter. College graduates and the number of job seekers was 99461 zoomed 39345 people, the chain added 54758. Human resources market in second quarter of 2016, in addition to college graduates, situations of oversupply of undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The report pointed out that entering the third quarter of 2016, the graduating profession wrong, lacking experience, expectations are too high, causing structural problems will continue to exist.

Chengdu's data also showed that public human resources in the market in the second quarter, unemployment, new growth accounted for 7.45% of the total number of job seekers unemployed young people, college graduates and unemployed young people growing up in new 29.71%. Compared with the first quarter, new growth percentage of unemployed youth in the second quarter rose 2.09%, in which college graduates rose by 19.58% per cent.

Employment has also been referred to by some graduates. A Shaanxi foreign languages college students majoring in advertising told reporter, graduates of this year difficult indeed not small. "Previous graduates looking for jobs, proofreading jobs a lot fewer jobs this year, especially local cities even less. Last resort cases, most of the students in the class spend more effort looking for a job. ”

Ning Xuan low-income development

According to a Xinhua reporter, as "Internet +" advance, a large number of Internet-related posts. However, can earn a certain salary, jobs, and service-related jobs, many of them are not graduates of college students choose.

About car drivers such as Internet, a large number of layoffs and the transfer of workers engaged in, but students rarely engaged in the industry. In addition, the rapid development of e-commerce, strong demand for couriers, but students are also not keen.

Senior vocational guidance Division in the labour market in Wuhan Li Yonghong believes that this is a rational choice for college students.

He told reporters that Wuhan has a large number of agreements about work of employees engaged in network. "Many of them are transfer of State-owned enterprises, enterprises bought social insurance, there are 2000 salary. Temporary driving Internet soliciting, income subsidies. But the work itself has no fixed location, no fixed income, and that the work itself is not entirely legal, students willing to undertake such work is not right. ”

He pointed out that college students looking for a job should be given to comprehensive development.

In fact, many college students do, many of them targeting the first-tier cities.

For example, these introduce Shaanxi foreign languages College, current class 1/3 chose to go to Beijing, she has gone to Shanghai.

Reporters learned that many students are willing to work in the deep North Canton, but wages are not high. Some graduates four thousand or five thousand Yuan a month, in first-tier cities after deducting rent and food costs to almost nothing, but students are still keen.

The funny thing is, in addition to selecting the first-tier cities, reporters found that there are quite a few students are willing to go to the West, or "three help". With honors, better exercise and long-term development.

It is understood that this year all over the country to recruit hundreds of thousands of "three help", although many of them are in rural and remote areas, but there are still many students signed up enthusiastically, some do not even reach the level of a few 10:1.

A read in Shandong University of Inner Mongolia University graduate, currently selected in the poverty alleviation work in Inner Mongolia. In the course of preliminary audition, competitiveness than this post was 18:1.

He told Xinhua reporters, is willing to go to the poor, in addition to nearly 2000 Yuan a month income and financial relief, and grind the opportunity to add 10 points. "My purpose is not to make money, but to exercise. ”

In response, Lai Desheng, Dean of Beijing Normal University of Economics and business management pointed out that This suggests students are now pursuing different from the past. "Early preparation, household, high income and low impact on college students, students are more willing to pursue individuality, looking to satisfy their interest in the job . ”

He noted that the country "three help" students inclined, such as PubMed, the civil service policy. "But students to go to their own considerations clearly. Social experience is very valuable, and exactly how it works but also to further assessment. ”

大学生就业观:工资低也要到一线城市,不干服务业 - 大学生,就业 - IT资讯




























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