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published in(发表于) 2016/7/21 8:47:10 Edit(编辑)
China’s Ministry of public security crackdown on telecommunications fraud: regardless of size will be made criminal cases,

China’s Ministry of public security crackdown on telecommunications fraud: regardless of size will be made criminal cases,(中国公安部严打电信网络诈骗:无论大小一律立为刑事案件,)



China's Ministry of public security crackdown on telecommunications fraud: regardless of size will be made criminal cases-the Chinese Ministry of public security, Telecom fraud-IT information

IT news , July 20, today, China against management of telecommunication networks of new crime initiative to advance will be held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. At the meeting, China's Ministry of public security, public security organs in the future public telecommunication network to report fraud cases, all State criminal case, according to the criminal case calls for the acquisition of various types of information.

At this Conference, China informed the Ministry of public security, Criminal Investigation Bureau Director Yang Dong, first half of the year, 57,000 cases of fraud were uncovered in China Telecom network, is 2.5 times over the same period last year; investigate and punish offenders, 28,000 were 2.7 times over the same period last year; the public security organs and banking for the masses to avoid loss of 2.53 billion yuan. Through technical means, such as emergency stop payment, fast freeze, first half, China's public security organs have successfully stopped the 39,700 bank account. In addition, the first half of this year, China's public security Ministry shut down a total of 354,000 fraud phone number in connection with the "black card" more than 100,000 copies. Is to intercept illicit international 1160yuwanci.

Addition, China Ministry of public security requirements Xia a stage will deployment four items important measures, first, future around police organ received masses telecommunications network fraud case of reported Hou, are are State for criminal case; second, around province, and city two level police organ to in this year September end of Qian, all built anti-fraud Center; third, according to early master of situation, will geographical sex fraud crime more highlight of area as focus regulation range; IV, rectification a focus industry and company.

中国公安部严打电信网络诈骗:无论大小一律立为刑事案件 - 中国公安部,电信诈骗 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月20日消息,今天,中国打击治理电信网络新型违法犯罪专项行动推进会在江苏南京召开。会上,中国公安部表示,今后各地公安机关接到群众电信网络诈骗案件的报案后,一律都立为刑事案件,按照刑事案件立案要求采集各类信息。



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