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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:58:23 Edit(编辑)
Female college students borrow the platform lying to classmates 600,000: once disappeared finally appeared,

Female college students borrow the platform lying to classmates 600,000: once disappeared finally appeared,(女大学生靠借贷平台骗同学60万:一度消失后终现身,)



Female college students borrow the platform lying to classmates 600,000: once gone finally appeared-online loans, college students-IT information

Recently, a number of netizens post said, Beijing University of chemical technology of the sophomore girls Wang Jiaze, invite students to register account lending platform, after registration for students to withdraw from the platform and give it to her, but volumes of money disappear. In addition, the girls borrowed account to apply for a loan lending platform, and illness and other reasons to borrow money from others, yet do not settle. 15th North Green newspaper reporter contacted Wang Jiaze party girl, she said, he found work in the South, ready to return the money. "I admit I was vain, lied to my family. I fucked so many people trusted me, I knew I was wrong, so now want to pass you an apology to the students, an apology to the public. ”

Concerned woman: fooled so many people trusted me, and I know I was wrong

North Green: why leave lost?

Wang Jiaze: I have not lost, nor run. I have now found a job in the South, and also got in touch with my classmates today, promising them, you can give them ious, after all amounts discussed, I will unify them.

North Green: students why not contact you before?

Wang Jiaze: because you made so big deal, my spirits were under some pressure. After the 2nd, I've been in home health, and heard the phone ringing, I was afraid to answer the phone, so they can only be linked to my dad.

North Green: why did you choose now to stand up?

Wang Jiaze: now I'm not trying to gain your sympathy, just wanted to express my apology is. I lied to everyone's feelings, lying to so many people who trusted me, I know I was wrong. So now I want to pass you an apology to the students, an apology to the public, and caused everyone to quit on me.

North Green: why don't you come back a public apology?

Wang Jiaze: I'm not going back, not because of anything I'm afraid. First, I now just found work, just State live feet, I now pocket in on 100 block money, so I cannot now buy high-speed rail votes on back; second, even I now back has, but school also are holiday has, they are is not, I back also no what meaning; last, even I back has, I also also is have to they playing ious also money.

"Spend money to do more, I admit that before vanity"

North Green: how much you owe the students?

Wang Jiaze: to be honest, I'm not, but not as many as 600,000. I am now and my classmates one by one, if the amount is consistent, I'll give them ious.

North Green: why would owe so much money?

Wang Jiaze: at first I work with have a, I help them head cooperation. I borrowed some money through other platforms, more then I did. I admit that I was vain, lied to my family situation. Now this does not make sense, I am now is negotiating with the students.

Bei Qing: borrow so much money before, not realized can have such serious consequences?

Wang Jiaze: was also considered, but did not expect it to be so serious. I want to take advantage of holiday time, earn a little bit, but I didn't realize the more bigger, not made up.

"Want to find jobs, earn a little more money back to you"

Bei Qing: classmates say conditions in your home, why not put the money?

Wang Jiaze: I was an ordinary family, my mom and dad are the police, my house was a loan to buy. My parents also wants to sell to pay for me, but my family property is not down, can't sell now, so sold and the money is not real. Even now be able to sell, and I can't let my parents take me because I owe this money, should I come anyway.

North Green: students say when your father went to the school and threatened them.

Wang Jiaze: I know a lot of students are dissatisfied with my dad. That day because there is no communication, my father was very angry, I live I a child, so he always hurt me. He is nursing woman, just say those words. I know many of you are so angry, a large part of the reason is because my dad that day, but my father I beg all of you not to attack.

Bei Qing: now you communicate and how schools?

Wang Jiaze: I have and my instructor said, schools can't fire me, I have to confess, because it was made by my own sin. If possible, I don't want to give up my studies. But now is wrong, I couldn't escape.

North Green: are you going to do?

Wang Jiaze: now my cousin helped me find a job, about two thousand or three thousand dollars per month. Now I have to take a year, I will try to find jobs, earn a little more money back to you. But I don't take anything, take hundreds of dollars in the cost of living. I and my classmates say, hopes a 3,500 each month. Although there are a lot of students do not believe me, but have friends willing to talk to me, I am very grateful to them.

According to the Beijing times Twitter message, Beijing police have been investigating the matter.

女大学生靠借贷平台骗同学60万:一度消失后终现身 - 网络贷款,大学生 - IT资讯




























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