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published in(发表于) 2016/7/18 6:42:14 Edit(编辑)
Excessive use of smartphones, will have “digital dementia“? ,

Excessive use of smartphones, will have “digital dementia“? ,(过度使用智能手机,会得“数码痴呆”?,)



Excessive use of smartphones, will have "digital dementia"? -Smartphone, dementia-IT information

"Mobile phone for a long time, 10 years old girls vision down to 0.1" "play until the wee hours of every day two or three, 20 year old man suffering from brain atrophy" and "ten disability caused by women fell into the pit, apparently concentrated too much on cell phones while walking" ... ... As smart phones increasingly deep involvement in human life, the "bow", "phone-controlled" the increasing number of accidents and incidents.

Too much mobile phone use, has become a major "invisible killer". In addition to increased myopia, leading to dry eyes, can cause traffic accidents, but what harm it will bring it?

"Mobile phone addiction" has two main indicators

Excessive use of mobile phones, also known as "mobile phone addiction", daily when in use and the touch-screen is the number define "poison" or not two standards.

Latest data shows that users click on a Smartphone, and number of sliding operations on average EUR 2,617, while heavy users accounted for 10%, the average number of operations as high as 5,427 times. Also, users use Smartphones to 2.42 hours a day on average and heavy users for 3.75 hours. In addition, the average user's cell phone use 76 per person per day, but for heavy users, and that number is 132 times.

Suzhou, Jiangsu in 2014, research group of the Organization, the number of students in higher vocational colleges to conduct a survey. Results are even more shocking-are surveyed every time using the phone for more than 3 hours in 71.07%, which 10.1% of students using cell phones for more than 7 hours a day; mobile phone down or forget to bring my cell phone goes out, feeling a little upset in 31.26%, feeling a little anxiety in 20.97%.

"Mobile phone control" phenomenon also exists in a group of teenagers in a foreign country. Survey 40% the Spain youth mobile phone addiction, they spend time on phone calls or text messages for more than 4 hours over 1/3 Italy Ministry of youth has two or more phones and addicted to mobile phone druging and 36% United Kingdom teens think they can not leave the mobile phone.

Existing medical studies confirm that people who used cell phones for more than 7 hours, prone to eye disease, headaches, hallucinations, cervical spondylosis, and sleep problems .

Under normal circumstances, we blink between 16 and 20 times a minute, watch phone, only blink 6 to 8 times per minute, this will result in dry eyes. If a long time staring at the phone, also contributes to eye muscle fatigue, impact focus, resulting in blurred vision. Initially may only be temporary, will become permanent over time, resulting in myopia. Reportedly, more than 90% of myopia, because with "screen" is excessive.

From the perspective of sleep, cell phone radiation can make people delay sleep for 6 minutes, and deep sleep by 8 minutes. If you texting while driving often, probability of a crash by 23 times. According to statistics, about 15% of traffic accidents are caused by drivers ' cell phones.

Meanwhile, excessive use of mobile phones may also make people become ugly. Bow long play mobile, cheek and jaw muscles will sag due to gravity, long time might formed a double chin, showing with the age of the old.

In addition, the excessive use of mobile phones will also reduce the frequency and intensity of physical exercise. More serious, long-term exposure to cell phone radiation environment, may also be the inherent physiological mechanisms have some negative effects. Studies have found that daily exposure to high levels of radiation from mobile phones for more than 10 hours, can cause nerve and endocrine disorders.

Coexistence of social apathy and anxiety

"The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when I stand in front of you, you bow to play" ... ... In many "bow", cell phone screen in the world more important than real life. "Bowing" grow cold is spread in the information age.

This "mobile phone hundreds of acquaintances, friends, real life is a loner", Zhou Jian of the public quite touched. Micro-blogging, micro-when I first became popular, circle of friends, "Sun", Chow was always enthusiastic praise, or leave a message. Soon, however, he found the distance away and a few friends, some friends used to find time to eat dinner together, sing sing, now rely on micro-credit, QQ, and for a long time when I see a, might feel a bit strange .

Mr weeks said: "open your circle of friends, there is food in the Sun photos. If the following message, and quickly. Everyone in the chat was in full swing, but don't want to put down the cell phone and the people around him say more words, then what's the point? ”

Associated with this, excessive use of cell phone users, there is also a "network exchange of obsessive compulsive disorder." "Every now and then to go to friends, look at what's new. If the photos were made by yourself, is all the more eager to see a friend like ", this is the Netizen summary" Internet communication OCD "is typical.

"In the past people without a mobile phone was not very good, people now have become slaves of the phone, addicted to mobile phones of opium. This is very regrettable. "Senior Counselor Lin Yifang believes that this would effectively increase the sense of lonely, reduced sense of personal value, thereby reducing people's happiness.

Experts analyze the reasons behind the phenomenon and may be related to the loneliness of modern city. Many people think,"man-machine" interactive "social" interactions are easier to control . To communicate with others, often do not know what each other is thinking, it's hard to make them really know what they want. By contrast, and machines are much more simple. But in the long term, "bow" can trigger or exacerbate depression, anxiety and so on. Many leave the mobile phone will panic, nervous, restless young man, in fact, may have a number of mental health.

"Digital Alzheimer's" is it true?

Close your eyes and think about mobile phone number in the address book, do you remember? Names of acquaintances to friends and relatives do you remember? What they ate for lunch? To these questions, if you still cannot give an answer for more than 10 seconds, maybe you get "digital Alzheimer's."

Experts believe that If excessive reliance on mobile phones and other digital products, like regular tweets, friends, surfing the Web, there will be a large number of invalid information into the brain, which weakens the brain processing power to useful information, eventually leading to memory loss, caused by "digital dementia".

In General, older people are more susceptible to memory loss, decreased ability to learn new knowledge of torture, but these symptoms in young people in recent years a progressive development trend. United States national survey of trends in machine center's data show that, now aged 18 to 34 age group than those groups over the age of 55 are more likely to forget the day of the week where, forgotten keys, even forgot to bathe. In contrast, only "names" that are easier to forget than young people over the age of 55 groups.

Medical studies have shown that human memory is used primarily by the brain "hippocampus". Like usual if not exercising, muscles will atrophy, lack of memory leads to hippocampal atrophy, less memory, cognitive capacity. "Digital dementia" is the most direct example, navigation way, instead of a phone number on mobile phones, may raise mental activities losing ground.

Seven common memory problems are summarized at Harvard Medical School, where "misattributed", "stop" and "distractions" complement each other. "Misattributed" refers to only part of a whole, received information was incomplete. "Block" is a temporary oblivion, because in the brain "competition in memory" hinders the information you need.

More important is a distraction. Precisely because digital technology facilitates the life at the same time, but also cultivate a habit that we handle multiple tasks simultaneously. In this process, you will not miss any interesting information, but attention and effort have been greatly divided.

In addition, smart-phones, electronic devices can help people to efficient use of "debris", but most of the time this is an illusion . Memory formation is not a simple stacking of all the experiences of the past, but every time the brain receives information of the decoding process, and during this time all the perceptual knowledge and rational thinking interacts with the objective facts of information collection. This means that the brain finally remembered that after the integration of information. No fragmentation information is integrated, in the memories of the times it is difficult to be traced. 5 minutes, 10 minutes brushed micro-blog, read the news, get one-sided analysis or decision is simple, not deep reading and thinking, this completely distorted the "rational use of fragments of time" in the first place.

Experts suggested that the digital device users should make use, depth of reading and thinking habits, and establish and maintain meaningful social, give up useless information received and so on.

过度使用智能手机,会得“数码痴呆”? - 智能手机,痴呆 - IT资讯







手机控”现象在国外的青少年群体中同样存在。调查显示,40%的西班牙青少年手机成瘾,他们每天花在手机通话或短信上的时间超过4小时; 超过1/3的意大利青少年拥有两部以上手机,并且沉迷于手机,难以自拔;36%的英国青少年认为自己无法离开手机






















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