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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:58:46 Edit(编辑)
Tencent QQ music and cool dog, cool parent company merge: into the online music market,

Tencent QQ music and cool dog, cool parent company merge: into the online music market,(腾讯QQ音乐与酷狗、酷我母公司合并:成在线音乐市场老大,)



Tencent QQ music and cool dog, cool parent company merge: into online music market-QQ music, shrimp music, NetEase music-IT information

IT information news on July 15, Tencent group together with the Chinese music group announced to merge its digital music business, ecological and common prosperity, and support content legalization drive the healthy development of the industry.

This transaction, Tencent's QQ music business music group merged with China through asset swaps stakes became the new music group, the largest shareholder, Chinese Music Group CEO Zhenyu Xie, and dhanin chearavanont, will become co-presidents of the new music group, Tencent Vice President Peng Jiaxin as CEO of the new music group.

Chinese music group owns cool dog, cool, Ocean, Rainbow, source, some of the companies main business includes a digital music player, music, live shows, copyright delegation derivatives business, advertising, games, transport and other music, while Tencent has a large user base of QQ music. After the merger, Tencent has been behind Baidu, NetEase, pays homage to the Ali as the online music market's biggest players.

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腾讯QQ音乐与酷狗、酷我母公司合并:成在线音乐市场老大 - QQ音乐,虾米音乐,网易云音乐 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月15日消息,腾讯集团与中国音乐集团共同宣布,将各自旗下的数字音乐业务合并,以生态共荣和支持内容正版化驱动行业健康发展。





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