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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 8:08:36 Edit(编辑)
, Including the national flag, made in China occupy Brazil Rio Olympics

, Including the national flag, made in China occupy Brazil Rio Olympics(包括各国国旗在内,中国制造占领巴西里约奥运会,)



, Including the national flag, made in China occupy Brazil Rio-baxiliyue Olympic Games, Chinese-made-IT information

On August 4, the 31st summer Olympic Games, Brazil the Rio Olympic Games opened in Beijing on August 6, when athletes from around the world will gather in Rio, for the Olympic gold medal in the 16-day games.

In China's case, except on the field of Chinese original gods, goddesses, many elements are actually made in China. From Olympic venues to rail, from Olympic souvenirs to security equipment and even raised national flags on the podium, are from China. This Netizen joked, the game began, China has become the biggest winner.

As said earlier, the Rio Olympic games using national flags are manufactured by a Chinese. In other words, regardless of which game: which country won the first three, rising flag on the podium was made in China.

Here's @ Beijing, finishing production on the summary of the games made in China:

包括各国国旗在内,中国制造占领巴西里约奥运会 - 巴西里约奥运会,中国制造 - IT资讯

8月4日消息, 第31届夏季奥林匹克运动会,即巴西里约奥运会将于北京时间8月6日开幕,届时,来自世界各地的运动员将齐聚里约,在为期16天的比赛里争夺奥运金牌。



下面是@中新网 整理制作的关于此次奥运会中国制造的总结:

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