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published in(发表于) 2016/7/12 6:20:35 Edit(编辑)
Wu Shi Tencent Cohen laboratories: one scientific fighter, has talked with Microsoft,

Wu Shi Tencent Cohen laboratories: one scientific fighter, has talked with Microsoft,(腾讯科恩实验室吴石:一位挂科学霸,曾与微软谈笑风生,)



Wu Shi Tencent Cohen laboratories: one scientific fighter, has talked with Microsoft-Wu Shi, Tencent. Cohen laboratories-IT information

In early July, Tencent joint laboratory was established in Shenzhen, the matrix is the first Internet Security Lab, which covered anti-virus laboratory, anti-fraud laboratories, Mobile Security Labs, Cohen lab, black lab, zhanlu lab, Yun-Ting seven laboratories of the laboratory, the laboratory will focus on security technology and security defense system.

Cohen laboratory (Keen Team) is a team of information security theory and China leading global technology research "white hat" security research team of information security experts, is a worldwide manufacturer confirmed vulnerability was found in the largest number and most understood one of the breakthroughs of modern security technology professional security team. Keen Team hundreds of security has been applied to the world of every Windows PC, every Apple devices and Android Terminal.

Cohen lab Chief Scientist Wu Shi is a legend, he has earned three consecutive ZDI vulnerability computer mining Platinum Award in the world, is also the world's top Black Hat Pwnies Prize for the first person to be nominated by the Chinese, by Forbes magazine "discovered Apple security team more than twice times as a whole".

Recently, in a media interview, the network security world God revealed his many little-known stories.

Wu Shi said that he grew up as a xueba, especially for having great interest in mathematics, so he confidently entered the Department of mathematics, Fudan University. But in College, as many students are math genius, Wu Shi mathematics achievement is not very prominent, which made him under attack. However, a computer game called MUD changed the course of his life.

In 1996, Wu Shi obsessed with "MUD", which is a game of pure character structure has a long history. Not satisfied with Wu Shi normal game move up "crooked". He developed a method, can into the game servers, and for adjusting your game statistics. This vulnerability to the Wu Shi great joy, said that to some extent, computers began to replace the position of mathematics in his life. Throughout junior, Wu Shi put all my energy into working at a software company, that little lesson, hanging in the exam subject is his price.

Though it cost a heavy, but Wu Shi has embarked on this road, after graduation, he worked in doing software research and development at the same time, spare time to hone in on vulnerability mining. Soon, he found a critical vulnerability in the popular IM software: If QQ/want want to send a message to the other party, can get permissions to the other computer, control of their computer. This vulnerability is Tencent and Ali repaired soon, Wu Shi also received thanks from both.

In this way, Wu Shi has been doing a "Lei", white hat, but after the last submitted to Microsoft vulnerabilities, he not only received thanks from Microsoft, are also famous ZDI vulnerability teams come. ZDI said: "the vulnerability of such high quality, should give us, we will give you money. ”

Home has a similar team often deceptive, so Wu Shi skeptically submitted to them a vulnerability results after a month of disturbing waiting, more than 3,000 dollars in his bank account. Since then Wu Shi then embarked on the road to vulnerability bounty hunter.

Then Wu Shi has built himself a set of detecting vulnerable systems, makes him look for holes greatly enhance efficiency, after selling dozens of vulnerabilities in a row, Microsoft's own security team was shocked, because Wu Shi a number of vulnerabilities submitted almost their entire team. In 2007, when Microsoft found Wu Shi, invited him to join.

Wu Shi's work is this: never go to Microsoft nor Microsoft United States, Department heads each year from the United States flew to the Wu Shi home and watch him again. And the workload of each year over more than 20 available vulnerability, today can be completed in one month. He was using the time to constantly improve vulnerability mining system, read a book, watch a movie. Way to use the money to buy the suites.

Later, Wu Shi to join Cohen laboratory, and became the laboratory's Chief Scientist, Cohen lab now be owned by Tencent, is one of the joint laboratory of Tencent security.

腾讯科恩实验室吴石:一位挂科学霸,曾与微软谈笑风生 - 吴石,腾讯.科恩实验室 - IT资讯


其中的科恩实验室(Keen Team)是一支由在信息安全理论和技术研究方面全球领先的中国“白帽”安全专家组成的信息安全研究队伍,是世界范围内由厂商官方确认发现计算机漏洞数量最多、最了解突破现代安全保护技术的专业安全团队之一。Keen Team的数百项安全成果已经应用于世界上每一台Windows PC、每一台苹果设备和每一台安卓终端。











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