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published in(发表于) 2016/7/9 8:03:41 Edit(编辑)
Germany Orang online dating: mutual interest will meet formally,

Germany Orang online dating: mutual interest will meet formally,(德国红毛猩猩用网络相亲:互感兴趣将正式见面,)



Germany Orang online dating: mutual interest will officially meet-online dating, Gorilla-IT information

Online dating has become mainstream dating methods, many older teens jiayuan VIP, but animals also depend on online dating that you heard of it?

Recently, Germany Stuttgart staged the gorillas online dating scene, Stuttgart, right down to the hippocampus Zoo staff for two female orangutan in the Park to hunt for the other half. Staff use Apple laptops in a cage outside broadcast video of two male orangutans to the two females, and one of the females were a male gorilla in the video.

Now, the Zoo is arranged to meet two gorillas, right down to the hippocampus Zoo said they held for the orangutan network matchmaking activities to learn about the primates depend on what features to attract the opposite sex.

德国红毛猩猩用网络相亲:互感兴趣将正式见面 - 网络相亲,猩猩 - IT资讯




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