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published in(发表于) 2016/7/7 13:51:48 Edit(编辑)
World’s first trillion-dollar billionaires will appear, but may not be Bill Gates,

World’s first trillion-dollar billionaires will appear, but may not be Bill Gates,(世界上第一位万亿富豪就要出现,但可能不是比尔盖茨,)



World's first trillion-dollar billionaires will appear, but may not be Bill Gates, Bill Gates-Rockefeller-IT information

World's richest man Bill Gates ' net worth is about $ 75 billion, to become history's first trillion-dollar billionaires, he let his fortune to $ 925 billion increase it.

(Editor's Note: paper billionaires refers to the personal assets of more than $ 1 billion in rich, Regal trillion refers to the personal assets of more than $ 1 trillion of the rich. )

Although it is not true at all, but an authority in Silicon Valley believe that trillions of rich not only appears but is inevitable. In addition, he said, the first trillion-rich in human history is not necessarily the gates.

Technology industry's largest and most respected Startup Incubator y Combinator, President of shanmu·aoteman (Sam Altman) says: "you must be prepared, trillions of Regal will appear. This will make people feel that unfair, I also have this feeling, but if you want to move the community forward, you have to allow this to happen. ”

Analyst specializing in social inequality and tax lawyer baobo·luode (Bob Lord) agreed that wealth transfer may be completed over the next 25 to 30, but the first people who have trillions of dollars of wealth may not be Bill Gates because he was now focused on the money he donated.

Lord said: "I think the first trillion-dollar billionaires is unlikely to be gates, are more likely to be Rockefeller. ”

Compare with gates, the oil-rich John Rockefeller (John d. Rockefeller) more willing to stay rather than distributed his wealth. If the money now, Rockefeller the richest of the personal wealth of about $ 350 billion.

Lord said, the first trillion-dollar billionaires also may be a completely unknown person, or like ailong·masike (Elon Musk) that kind of person.

He said: "some people may create some previously unthinkable things, these new products can be brought to the man standing at the top of unprecedented wealth. ”

Altman believes that technological innovation is easy to promote social wealth exponentially, the people behind these innovations will reap hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth each year.

He believes that companies like y Combinator into driverless cars and more sophisticated technologies such as virtual reality industry, these new technologies become more popular, they are more likely to change society.

Aolifu·weilianmusi of the London consulting firm Wealth Insight (Oliver Williams) says: "trillions of Regal would be a first in the history of the inventor, he must be the people who created new products that changed the world, just as he did in the personal computer industry. ”

Switzerland credits 2013 global wealth report, since 2000, the global wealth has more than 1 time, reached a record 241 trillion dollars. Analysis found that the number of millionaires in the world in the two generations in more than 1 billion people, accounting for 20% of the total number of adults in the world.

Report wrote: "if such a situation really appears, then the billionaires will become commonplace, so there may be some trillionaire, our best estimate is 11. ”

In other words, in the next 50 years, the Earth appears on the 11weiwanyi rich.

Altman said: "I think we have to accept the situation that some people are much more wealth than others. Wealth polarization compromise solution is, I think we should guarantee to provide a good standard of living for all, but I think this idea of full equality for all is impossible. ”

Altman said that if the world's wealth soared, most people can get a fraction of the wealth, it is by virtue of this part of the wealth to create a stable life, and in the other end of the scale of wealth, is the very small number of trillions of Regal.

世界上第一位万亿富豪就要出现,但可能不是比尔盖茨 - 比尔盖茨,洛克菲勒 - IT资讯




技术行业最大规模和最受尊敬的初创公司孵化器Y Combinator的总裁山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)称:“你们要有心理准备,万亿富豪一定会出现。这肯定会让人感觉到不公平,我也有这种感觉,但是要想推动社会前进,你就必须允许这种事发生。”

专门研究社会不平等问题的分析师和税务律师鲍勃·洛德(Bob Lord)认为,财富的转移可能会在以后的25年到30年间完成,但是第一个拥有万亿美元财富的人可能不会是盖茨,因为他现在正专注于把他的钱捐献出去。


与盖茨相比,以石油发家的约翰·洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller)更愿意把他的财富留下来而不是分发出去。如果换成现在的钱,洛克菲勒最富有时的个人财富大约为3500亿美元。

洛德说,第一位万亿富豪也可能是一位完全不为人知的人,或者是像埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)那样的人。



他相信,像Y Combinator这样的公司投入到无人驾驶汽车和虚拟现实等高精尖技术行业的资金越多,这些新技术就会变得越流行,它们就越有可能改变社会。

伦敦顾问公司Wealth Insight的奥利弗·威廉姆斯(Oliver Williams)称:“人类历史上的第一位万亿富豪将是一名发明者,他肯定是创造出改变世界的新产品的人,就像当年盖茨在个人电脑行业的所作所为一样。”






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