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published in(发表于) 2016/8/13 10:15:01 Edit(编辑)
Hungry you own “competitive position“: do not pay fees or be forced off the production line,

Hungry you own “competitive position“: do not pay fees or be forced off the production line,(饿了么自创“竞价排名”:不交服务费或被强制下线,)



Hungry you own "competitive position": do not pay fees or be forced off the production line-hungry, PPC-IT information

Hungry yet again been pushed to the forefront of public opinion, and CCTV 315 investigation of sanitation, unlicensed unlicensed restaurants and other problems, this time it will reach at the downstream businesses.

A few days ago, hungry many different tenants reflect to the reporter for the China Times, hungry to spark video, forcing online payment volume of over 5% as technical service fee, in Exchange for business ranking star ascending in the platform. If the merchant does not join the spark program, could face closure of their shops at risk.

Black business trouble is not over, hungry once again into "mandatory." Hungry merchants behind the mandatory service fees, subsidised burn patterns have appeared to be inadequate.

Service businesses suffered forced

Recently, quite a number of shop owners who declined to be named told reporters reflect, hungry the guise of spark program launched after the video, they charge a mandatory service fee service fee of 5%, if the tenants don't cooperate, may be forced off the production line, several merchants, not hesitating to say about this.

According to the head of the local implementation of the relevant commitments, if businesses can sign, hungry star platform to allow merchants row increased by 3, and exclusive to businesses not regularly spark activity and more permissions.

Jiangsu merchant Mr Weng who declined to be named told reporters that the spark program was launched January are hungry this year, when launched does not facilitate their mandatory must sign, however for some time later, in charge of the area told me, us, the merchant must be signed, if not signed, must face line rules.

Mr Weng was also forced to sign are Jiangsu's Mr Liu.

"Spark program was introduced a while ago, but does not require the businesses forced to sign, since after 2 months after signing, in order to save costs, Liu gave regional heads not to renew it, provisions were later told that it was, did not renew the tenants have already been phased out, and end up having to sign. "Mr Liu told reporters.

In this regard, the reporter said people in the industry, it's really hungry to implement mandatory consumer PPC, the pattern is an imitation Baidu PPC is introduced take-out O2O, designed to stimulate business, make sense to some technical maintenance fee.

"Hungry star restaurant can operate against the online activities, showing it has no user experience, and hungry recommended to consumers nor experience the best restaurants, it also makes consumers ultimately lose faith in the hungry star restaurant evaluations, and to not talk about user experience, even without the final line. "These interviews industry insiders told reporters abruptly.

Another reporter said people in the industry, if it continues this way are hungry to ranking the restaurants, also makes you hungry this platform there is no fairness, hungry for businesses making a very large space for rent.

On August 10, accepted an interview with the China Times reporter: the hungry officials deny the claims of the company requires merchants compulsory to join the spark program and said, the spark program was voluntary, occurs in some areas require merchants to join the spark program practices, is the practice of regional managers to make their own decisions.

"At present, the company attaches great importance to the thing, and have begun an investigation, meanwhile told reporters that if businesses encounter similar threats, you can call the Platform calls. "These people say to the reporter.

However, as of August 12 press time, there are no findings regarding the forced businesses to join the spark program. Since that day, reporters also visited several businesses in Beijing, Baidu has been found out and the group forced businesses to pay maintenance fees, but has the lowest consumption occurs.

Vicious competition caused trouble

Hungry faces in this case, is the same as at present hot software market by taxi, all is fair competition, the objective is to reduce as much as possible of the company burn effect to absorb more of the consumer market to blame.

CNNIC's latest report showed that as of the end of June this year, Takeaway online users to reach 150 million users use rate of 21.1%, user scale by 2015 increase of 36.1 million, growth of 31.8%.

Reporter learned that, starting in 2014, takeout O2O has become the darling of the capital market, since capital market access, takeout O2O marketing is one of the Red Sea.

After several rounds of money after robbing user take-out O2O marketing already oligopolistic market situation. The latest data show, hungry, sold outside the Group and Baidu out to 37.8%, 30.5%, 15% leading online reservation market.

A regular online ordering customer told reporters that some online platform about meals, in order to attract more consumers, sometimes take out the high cost of subsidies, and even a few bucks can eat dinner, the purpose of which is to gain more market share.

Insiders said to reporters, hungry it requires merchants to participate in behind the spark program, highlights is the money trail behind the future development of panic, and this is network models determine the reservation market.

Reservation market profit model from the current network, including Commission, value-added services and logistics costs, PPC advertising costs. The major online reservation in the competition process, in order to pull traffic had also played many rounds of price wars.

However, like hungry yet in the case of competing on price, in order to gain more consumers, forced offline business practices is not much.

In this regard, insiders say, did in fact hungry behind forcing businesses to pay fees for technical services, in the end result will throw, even in the bad reputation of performance, will eventually be abandoned by businesses and consumers.

"At present, we have begun to consider the withdrawal of hungry, get rid of this confusing takeout O2O electrical contractor. "These merchants interviewed told reporters.

饿了么自创“竞价排名”:不交服务费或被强制下线 - 饿了么,竞价排名 - IT资讯



























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