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published in(发表于) 2016/7/7 13:51:41 Edit(编辑)
Top 10 computers with bad habits counts: Basic gun,

Top 10 computers with bad habits counts: Basic gun,(10大电脑使用坏习惯盘点:基本都中枪,)



Top 10 computers with bad habits counts: Basic gun-computer use, bad habits-IT information

With the development of society, computers have become necessities of life. Although we are using computers every day, but I still do not understand computers, there are many bad habits in the use of computers, the author summarizes the following 10 points, did not know you shot?

Summer temperature high calorific value of computers is relatively large, then some friends took apart the chassis side panels to cool. Open the case side panel really can play a role in cooling, but can also cause a lot of dust into the chassis, much dust cooling ability is worse, long-term work in a large amount of dust, likely to cause premature failure of the original. Some bug or other items in the boot state fell in the chassis, motherboard and short circuit board burned.

Feet on the chassis

Unreasonable design of computer desks and chairs, and will lead to people sitting very uncomfortable. Some friends will put his feet up on the chassis, although this is very comfortable, but it will cause harm to computers. Because of the constant jitter will cause your feet computer hard drive bad sectors, may also cause loose heat sink and the video card, damage to your hardware.

Snack, the computer does not shut down, addicted games

Snacks for the computer

Snack play on the computer while very nice, but please do not do so. Food particles will fall onto the keyboard, on the one hand, damaged keyboard. On the keyboard is not health, diseases, as we all know, the keyboard is very dirty, which breeds a lot of bacteria, touched the hand to touch the skin of the keyboard may trigger symptoms of dermatitis, not to mention are snack, eating bacteria is eating while playing the computer.

Computer too long without shutdown

Computer does not shut down while more convenient, but it would also cause certain damage to the computer. Although not a quantitative answer to this question, even switching shocks and effects of working long hours on the computer has been turned on or of electricity. So we want to achieve one shutdown, save energy and protect the environment.

Takes too long to play games

We play games in the highly focused, eyes, fingers frequently moving quickly so that excessive burdens of physical, psychological, resulting in more dreams of sleep, neurasthenia, the head swelling, decreased immunity, may even induce some mental illness. Such people tend to lose confidence, the heart often nervous, irritable, anxious, and ultimately lead to mental and physical exhaustion. So playing time should not be too long, best games an hour 10 minutes rest and relax the spirit.

Switch power force

Switch force power, hard drive initialization has not completed, the head is in a sensitive position, cut off all of a sudden power outage, and in less than 10 seconds and storm, will greatly increase the chance of failure.

Never clean the computer

Mouse and keyboard will be a lot of bacteria and viruses after the long, host does not clean for a long time also ash, affecting heat dissipation, so both in terms of their health, also is considering for your computer, you should clean your computer on a regular basis.

System boot

System services and startup items if you boot the system, and then automatically in the background consumes certain resources and lead to slow your computer. You can disable to disable it.

Does not clear the rubbish

In the computer produces a lot of Internet cache, log, log files, uninstall the software remains, and so on. Save these things scattered on the hard disk to increase disk fragmentation, reduce the efficiency of disk reads and writes, and increase the risk of file loss. Some operating systems when you retrieve the records, accelerate the pace of looking for files, more records retrieval more slowly, operating efficiency in the future. Associated uninstall software can sometimes have some residual errors, error cause some programs to run. Suggest you according to their frequency of operation, clean your computer.

Public place save passwords using the browser function

In personal computer use with browser password save feature right, when you enter a password which is very convenient. But a lot of people used to use computers in public places after this feature will click Save password only slightly know a little page can easily crack your passwords, steal your personal information.

Summary : the computer gives us easy life, is the life of a good friend, be kind to our computer, it can work better for us.

10大电脑使用坏习惯盘点:基本都中枪 - 电脑,使用,坏习惯 - IT资讯























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