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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:39:11 Edit(编辑)
Shares fell Monday almost: 12%, down nearly nine city,

Shares fell Monday almost: 12%, down nearly nine city,(中概股周一几乎全线下跌:九城跌近12%,)



Shares fell Monday almost: 12%, down nearly nine city-stocks, shares, the Nineth City-IT information

Goldman Sachs downgraded United States in 2016, GDP growth in the first quarter, stocks and shares fell on Monday.

Goldman United States in 2016, first-quarter GDP growth was revised down from 2.25% to 1.75%, affect investor sentiment on Monday United States three major indexes falling more than 1% and poor's 500-stock index closed at lowest since April 2014, while the NASDAQ Index closed since October 2014 the minimum; Chinese stocks fell, nine-city, and precious statue more than 10%.

Last November, the Nineth city announced the Korea game developers Smilegate Entertainment reached a licensing agreement, the Nineth city of the cross fire 2 (Cross Fire 2) in mainland China exclusive distribution rights and operation rights for five years . Before and after the news, the Nineth city shares lifted from about $ 1 to top $ 4.3, up three times as much. Followed the unit under the stairs, so far, has fallen back to around $ 2.

Nineth city for 11 years, shares peaked at more than $ 50, the company also operates online game world of Warcraft.

Nineth city on Monday to close at $ 2.23 points lower than the previous day's 11.86% worth US $ 51.74 million.

Outside the Kowloon City, Bao Zun-10.23%, down 9.74% soufun, theology, theology, fall 9.11%. Chinese stocks closed Monday were as follows:

? Unit of transaction prices above US $ market value in a column, b for $ 1 billion, m for $ 1 million, k for $ 1000.

Small note: stock market risk, investments need to be cautious. Shares fell so much because CF2 Phoenix when I talk? (False positives)

中概股周一几乎全线下跌:九城跌近12% - 股市,中概股,第九城市 - IT资讯



去年11月底,第九城市宣布与韩国游戏开发商Smilegate Entertainment达成一项授权协议,第九城市获得《穿越火线2》(Cross Fire 2)在中国大陆五年时间的独家发行权和运营权。在该消息发布前后,第九城市股价从1美元左右拉升到了最高4.3美元,涨了三倍之多。之后随该股拾阶而下,至今已回落至2美元附近。






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