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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:12:49 Edit(编辑)
Viet Nam demands that China stop military exercises held in the South China Sea, the Chinese Foreign Ministry response

Viet Nam demands that China stop military exercises held in the South China Sea, the Chinese Foreign Ministry response(越南要求中方停止在南海举行军演,中国外交部回应)



Viet Nam demands that China stop military exercises held in the South China Sea, China's Foreign Ministry responded | Navy played in the South _ news
July 6, 2016, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

Asked: it was reported that duteerte 5th President of the Philippines, said during a speech, is willing to engage in a dialogue with China in the South China Sea after the arbitration decision. How do you respond to the Chinese side?

Answer: the so-called sea arbitration case brought by the Aquino Government in the Philippines from the outset is illegal and invalid. No matter what the Tribunal decision, the Chinese side does not accept, does not recognize. Meanwhile, the Chinese side did not accept any country based on the so-called decision and action.

Bilateral dialogue and consultation is the proper handling of Sino-Philippine dispute the only feasible way, we hope that the new term of the Government of the Philippines and China, get rid of the old Government mistake, return to the track of dialogue and consultation with the Chinese side, making an effort to improve and develop Sino-Philippine relations.

Asked: it is learned that China will be organized jointly with the United Nations international workshop on network. Please describe the situation. China to host this meeting is for what reasons?

A: China will be held jointly with the United Nations in Beijing on July 11 to 12th International Workshop on network. By then, the head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Jin Yuanzhu will attend the opening ceremony of the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Government representatives from nearly 30 countries, as well as relevant United Nations agencies, think tanks and business representatives will attend. Conference discusses in depth the situation in cyberspace, the international rule-making, pragmatic cooperation in the digital economy and Internet governance issues.

At present, the network security threats are complex and diverse, cyberspace faces many problems and challenges in global governance. Development of generally accepted international rules as soon as possible, and has become an international consensus to maintain network stability and prosperity. In this context, organising the seminar aimed to provide a platform for parties to discuss international rules in cyberspace in order to gather more consensus, promote relevant United Nations processes, promote pragmatic cooperation. This is the Chinese side after that in 2014 the second China network international seminar organized jointly with the United Nations, was taken by China to promote global governance of cyberspace a major diplomatic action.

  Q: the Philippines in the South China Sea claims raised in the arbitration case, China's historic claims of rights is inconsistent with the United Nations Convention on law of the sea. You will respond to this?

A: the Chinese in the South China Sea to the historic rights of the United Nations law of the Sea Convention are not contradictory. First, the historic rights is a general concept of international law. Does not exhaust all the provisions of the law of the Convention's rules, but on the contrary expressly part of general international law not covered by the Convention. Secondly, the Convention itself does not exclude before it has formed and continue to claim historic rights, many references to the Convention "historic bays", "historic property" is obviously respect for historic rights. Historic rights in the South China Sea are formed in the course of history, has sufficient historical and legal basis of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the law of the protection cannot be denied. Arbitral tribunal had no jurisdiction and cannot comment.

Question: it was reported that Viet Nam 4th Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said the Chinese military exercises, held in the South China Sea violated the Viet Nam's sovereignty and a threat to maritime safety, asked the Chinese to stop military exercises. How do you respond to the Chinese side?

A: the Paracel Islands are Chinese territory and not in dispute. Relevant exercises are routine exercises according to the annual plan of the Chinese Navy, is a matter within the sovereignty of China, not targeting a specific country, interested parties in perspective.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Southern Naval show

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China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
越南要求中方停止在南海举行军演 中国外交部回应|南海军演_新闻资讯





  答:中方将与联合国于7月11日至12日在北京共同举办网络问题国际研讨会。届时,中国外交部负责人及联合国副秘书长、裁军事务高级代表金垣洙将出 席开幕式,近30个国家政府代表,以及联合国相关机构、智库、企业代表将与会。会议将深入讨论网络空间形势、国际规则制定、数字经济务实合作、互联网治理 等问题。

  当前,网络安全威胁复杂多元,网络空间全球治理面临诸多问题和挑战。尽快制定各方普遍接受的国际规则,维护网络空间稳定与繁荣已成为国际共识。 在此背景下,举办上述研讨会旨在为各方深入探讨网络空间国际规则提供平台,以凝聚更多共识,推动联合国相关进程,促进务实合作。这是中方继2014年后第 二次与联合国在华共同举办网络问题国际研讨会,是中方为推动网络空间全球治理采取的一次重要外交行动。


  答:中国在南海享有的历史性权利与《联合国海洋法公约》并不矛盾。首先,历史性权利是一般国际法的概念。《公约》规定并未穷尽全部海洋法的规 则,相反却明确规定《公约》未予规定部分适用一般国际法。其次,《公约》本身并不排斥在它之前已经形成并被持续主张的历史性权利,《公约》多处提及“历史 性海湾”、“历史性所有权”等,显然是对历史性权利的尊重。中国在南海的历史性权利是在历史过程中形成的,具有充分的历史和法理依据,受到包括《联合国海 洋法公约》在内的国际法保护,不容否定。仲裁庭对此没有管辖权,不能妄加评论。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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