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published in(发表于) 2016/7/3 6:09:08 Edit(编辑)
The world’s most expensive dolls, details can be customized

The world’s most expensive dolls, details can be customized(世界最贵充气娃娃,细节皆可定制,)



The world's most expensive dolls, details can be customized-dolls-IT information

On July 3, recently, the United Kingdom newspaper the mirror reported the United States the production process of a brand of inflatable doll, which the company produces high-end inflatable doll, can be customized according to user requirements.

According to reports, the company's primary function as a sexual partner inflatable doll, silicone mold making, takes 80 hours to completely finish. In addition to the body and face, and users can also customize the inflatable doll chest, nails, hair, makeup, and many other details.

Of course, since it is a high-end doll, prices are not cheap. Allegedly, a blow-up doll a minimum price of 4770 pounds (about 40,000 yuan), it is the world's most expensive "toys"

Worth mentioning is that the company's products are not only female inflatable dolls, there are male doll. The dolls produced and world sales by the Los Angeles company.

世界最贵充气娃娃,细节皆可定制 - 充气娃娃 - IT资讯





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