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published in(发表于) 2016/7/3 6:09:03 Edit(编辑)
Take 1000 hours, the old man homemade automatic breakfast artifact,

Take 1000 hours, the old man homemade automatic breakfast artifact,(花费1000小时,老人自制全自动早餐神器,)



Take 1000 hours, the old man made artifact automatic breakfast-breakfast-IT information

On July 3, this thing for breakfast, how do you deal with it? Studies have said, do not eat breakfast for a long time will make you stupid, it seems that breakfast was worthy of attention.

According to the daily mail reports, in order to be able to easily and quickly eat breakfast, United Kingdom Sussex County a 69 year old man takes about 1000 hours with a friend a few days ago, built a fully automated breakfast artifact.

According to reports, the old man named Peter 41 retired pilots, he named this device "Sunday breakfast machine", the specific size 5 feet (about 1.5 meters) X5 feet X2 feet (about 0.6 metres), by him and a friend with welded steel, aluminum, DC motors, stepper motors and gear made by.

Now, with just one button, the old man can enjoy the delicious poached eggs, toast, tea and coffee. Peter said, although difficult, it took them about 3 months time, but he felt everything was worth it.

花费1000小时,老人自制全自动早餐神器 - 早餐 - IT资讯





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