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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:25:53 Edit(编辑)
NET heat transfer driving past women make their skirts fly State unlawful, police rumor,

NET heat transfer driving past women make their skirts fly State unlawful, police rumor,(网络热传开车路过女子使其裙摆飘起涉违法,交警辟谣,)



NET heat transfer driving past women make their skirts fly State unlawful, police rumor-spreading rumours, circle of friends-IT information

IT news , July 1, recently many users of micro-circle of friends was a "traffic violations" message to crowding the screen, aroused heated discussion, so this is really for you?

SMS said that Zhejiang Axx ... ... Number plates of vehicles on June 21, 2016, Yuhang Wang Road industry Wuzhou junction, because after roadside woman does not slow down and make their skirts fly G20 Summit the appearance of illegal traffic enforcement cameras ... ... Please bring in the 15th travel card, driver's license, ID card to Yuhang traffic processing.

We know the vehicles after a traffic violation, the owner will receive a text message traffic Police Department, while above this message there is a clear spoof on suspicion, many netizens questioned.

This is really a rumor information, according to Yuhang traffic Police Department said, the message in the picture shows the vehicle in Yuhang area and there is no non-field record, there are no pictures of the so-called "no impact deceleration and skirt blowing" such violations. In addition, the picture shows the phone not Yuhang traffic Police Brigade of the phone, the correct offence notification message the following inscription does not "provincial authority". So you can determine the contents of the pictures published false news.

Traffic Police Department said that is now investigating the source of the message, spreading rumors that illegal, I hope the majority of users don't transfer rumors, don't believe rumors.

网络热传开车路过女子使其裙摆飘起涉违法,交警辟谣 - 造谣,朋友圈 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月1日消息,近日很多网友的微信朋友圈被一条“交通违法”短信刷屏,引起热议,那么这是真的吗?





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