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published in(发表于) 2016/7/11 12:10:43 Edit(编辑)
Google China experience another city: complete “return“? Making money again! ,

Google China experience another city: complete “return“? Making money again! ,(谷歌中国体验中心再下一城:全面“回归”?先赚钱再说!,)



Google China experience another city: complete "return"? Making money again! -Google, Google-IT information

The afternoon of July 8, called "large Chinese enterprises to go global" Forum held in Shenzhen, like this forum in Shenzhen every day to have dozens of games, this one's audience is especially crowded.

Because the identity of the speaker in particular--Google (Google), President of greater China Ishigure au (Scott Beaumont). A few hours ago, he and the State Audit Office of Shenzhen, Liu Ji working for Google AdWords experience Center opened a curtain.

In addition to opening greeting to the audience in Mandarin, but Ishigure Union speech overall is a bit cliché. But that is not important, because people are not rushing to his speech, but would like to learn about: the experience Center is a ghost, is Google, which has been pulling out of China for 6 years, is going to fully "return"?

6 years ago, Google announced Google's Chinese search service to Hong Kong from mainland China, the world's largest search company, which disappeared in mainland China's hundreds of millions of Internet users screen. This 6 years, great changes have taken place in the world, Google's market value increased to $ 480 billion, was ranked first in the world, its Chinese counterpart Baidu, has grown into a local Burger, the annual net profit of more than $ 5 billion.

It is increasingly strong evidence of Chinese Internet enterprises will become the most potential market, this market is Google not to give up. Most of Google's revenue comes from advertising, we may wish to look at the situation-

Leading research firm eMarketer reports that, in 2016, the global media ad spending will grow to $ 615 billion in 2015 from us $ 578 billion, digital advertising investment of $ 198 billion. Than 2015 2016 China media advertising will grow 14%, 28% growth in digital advertising, higher than the United States, and Japan, and Germany and the United Kingdom. In addition, the 2016 global smart-phone users will reach 2 billion, of which one-fourth from China. Driven by the growth of smartphone users, mobile Internet advertising investment will maintain rapid growth in the next four years, to 2019, will reach $ 195.55 billion, accounting for 70.1% of digital advertising.

How much is Google's advertising revenue in mainland China? Not reflected in Google's earnings report, but the absence of Google's Chinese site support their development severely limited is not hard to imagine. This is obviously Google could not be accepted for a long time, what's more, in addition to advertising based on search service, Google has plenty of experimental or commercial projects, such as Google, such as Fiber, driverless cars, smart home, also will be without Internet users than the United States population in China.

Naturally, Google sought to return to the Chinese market, tough if the search service is temporarily unable to bite off, at least from some other not-so-hard bone. And so, people continue to see appear on the official Google support page "Google Chinese version of Play" , Google China launched the "Google entrepreneur scheme" launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other places of mass recruitment, as well as the previously mentioned Google AdWords experience Center opened.

Google Google AdWords experience Center project in 2014 to develop, Chinese enterprises overseas promotion of strategic projects aimed at making the operation of China's enterprises using the age of big data, put the products to the international market, and global brand marketing. In fact, Shenzhen is not Google AdWords experience Center first floor city in China. Previously, Google has been in Zhengzhou, Guiyang opened 8 the experience Center. In accordance with Google's plans over the next two years, and in other Chinese cities to open 5~10.

Google AdWords experience Center for 2015 focus on introducing project in Shenzhen, Shenzhen. As the only Google promotion experience Center Shenzhen, head of the Ren Lifeng told reporters: "the center of Shenzhen brand to the global market are committed to provide digital marketing professional services, Shenzhen export enterprise on a regular basis to provide digital marketing, cross-border e-commerce related to the free training, and hatching has the potential of innovative enterprises. Centre will be supported by the Shenzhen Municipal Government, and promote the transformation and upgrading of Shenzhen export enterprise. ”

Based on the fact that China is the world's largest country for trade in goods, it is clearly an ambitious plan-no matter if I can the comprehensive "regression", first bring in the money again. Ishigure au forum not related to "return" the topic, he only emphasized that "more than half the world's population live in Asia, more than half of the business comes from the Asia-Pacific region, and China in the Asia-Pacific economic area, the central location, we cannot ignore China's edge in economic clout. " He noted that the Chinese engineering machinery, smart devices, online games and other products are welcomed by the world," us Google has many tools that can help you to understand the market and customer, to sell your products to all over the world. " What are these tools? In a nutshell, is what the Internet and large data-Google is good at.

Google is so "smart", "return" is a false proposition from the start. This not reminiscent of early Ishigure au Mandarin for Chinese new year, said: "we have been in. ”

谷歌中国体验中心再下一城:全面“回归”?先赚钱再说! - Google,谷歌 - IT资讯


因为主讲嘉宾的身份比较特别——谷歌Google)大中华区总裁石博盟(Scott Beaumont)。几个小时前,他和原国务院稽查特派员刘吉共同为Google AdWords深圳体验中心揭开了帷幕。





谷歌在中国内地的广告收入是多少?这在谷歌的财报上没有体现,但由于没有谷歌中文网站支持,其拓展严重受限的状况不难想象。这显然是谷歌无法长期接受的,更何况,除了基于搜索服务的广告业务,谷歌还有大量的实验性或准商业项目,譬如Google Fiber、无人驾驶汽车、智能家居等,也必将离不开网民数量比美国总人口还多的中国。

很自然地,谷歌开始寻求重返中国市场,如果搜索服务的硬骨头暂时无法啃下,起码可以先从其他一些不那么硬的骨头啃起。于是,人们陆续看到谷歌的官方支持页面上出现“Google Play中国版”字样,谷歌在中国推出“谷歌创业家计划”,在北京、上海等地启动大规模招聘,以及前文提到的Google AdWords体验中心开张。

Google AdWords体验中心项目是谷歌2014年开发的、针对中国企业海外推广的战略性项目,旨在让中国企业利用大数据时代的运营方法,把产品推向国际市场,并进行全球化品牌营销。事实上,深圳不是Google AdWords体验中心在中国的首个落地城市。在此之前,谷歌已经在郑州、贵阳等地开设了8个这样的体验中心。按照谷歌的计划,未来一两年内,还会在中国其他城市增开5~10家。

Google AdWords深圳体验中心是2015年深圳市重点引进项目。作为深圳唯一的谷歌推广体验中心,其负责人任丽峰告诉记者:“中心致力于为深圳品牌走向全球市场提供数字营销专业服务,定期为深圳出口企业提供数字营销、跨境电商相关的免费培训,并孵化有潜力的创新型企业。中心将在深圳市政府的支持下,推进深圳出口企业的升级转型。”



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