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published in(发表于) 2016/6/30 6:50:57 Edit(编辑)
The world’s largest database on terrorism leaked: 2.2 million files exposing suspicious persons,

The world’s largest database on terrorism leaked: 2.2 million files exposing suspicious persons,(全球最大反恐数据库外泄:220万可疑人员档案曝光,)



The world's largest database on terrorism leaked: 2.2 million doubtful record exposure-terror database-IT information

IT information news on June 30, according to foreign media reports, now the world's largest library of terror World Check of data breaches, which resulted in 2.2 million terrorists and members of organized crime's profile is exposed on the Internet. Security researcher kelisi·weikeli said he recently found on the Internet lists of the 2014 Edition does not require a password to open.

It is reported that these criminal and terrorist organizations personal information managed by the financial-data firm Thomson Reuters for its customers, this list is actually in a particular relationship, such as terrorist organizations, corruption or criminal organizations and those suspicious of the relationship between creation, "risk profile". After the security researcher kelisi·weikeli exposure it vulnerability, Thomson Reuters and third-party users of such information online contact, consent of the other party such information removed from the Internet. And Vickery said.

全球最大反恐数据库外泄:220万可疑人员档案曝光 - 反恐,数据库 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月30日消息,据外媒报道,目前世界最大的反恐资料库World Check资料外泄,这导致220万可以恐怖分子和犯罪组织成员的个人资料被暴露在网上。安全研究员克里斯·维克里表示,他近日在网上发现2014年版的名单不需要密码就可以打开。


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