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published in(发表于) 2016/6/29 8:44:59 Edit(编辑)
Sitting drops lost cell phone, car registration found while searching secret

Sitting drops lost cell phone, car registration found while searching secret(女子坐滴滴遗失手机,寻物时发现专车注册大秘密,)



Sitting drops lost cell phone, and found car registered larger drops secrets-car, car-IT information

A few days ago, the Su Ms riding with my friends just to work "drops", the lost mobile phone. When she contacted the driver wants to locate phone, each other tough. She also found that the car ride was a deck car. Yesterday, when I Su to reporters said of the experience, still feel very angry.

Take the net about lost mobile phone

The night of June 18, raining, Su ping times street c Museum to embark on a "drop" fast track, it's friends to help her out of the car, a friend told her the car's tail number is "234". Soon, Su Ms see by the side of a white wall with double Flash C50, tail number is "234", she sat on the car was a co-pilot.

At the urging of friends, Ms drivers will soon be Su to your destination. Just get off, find themselves were made by Su iPhone 6 Plus mobile phone is gone. Ms Su speculated that their phone is probably fell into a crack in the edge of my seat. Because it is a friend's car, she moved quickly to get the friend to call the driver, driver's mobile phone has shut down.

Think about vehicle information on the car platform, wants to contact drivers is not difficult, Ms Su did not worry too much. However, waited a long time without driver replies, his mobile phone went unanswered to shutdown. Su women to the police station, seeking police help.

NET about car license plate was the other car

At the station house, Ms Su will "drop" about cars left on the platform of the vehicle told police. Police soon found, models corresponding to the license plate is not the white wall of C50, but a black imported Mercedes-Benz owners nor any owner master Huang but another.

How would one license corresponds to two cars? Ms Su was surprised, and God, and she speculated that before taking "bit Express" is not real information registered in the platform. Think about it, Ms Su more cringe. "If something happens, the consequences would be disastrous. The "can phone back, it doesn't matter. Su wants to know, how such a vehicle in the "drop" the registration was successful.

He Su ladies get in touch, Cook said, license plate number displayed on the drop platform is not his real license plate number of the vehicle, because the tail number, Ms Su to get on. However, he patiently explained, did not pick up on the day Ms Su's mobile phone .

Now that the registration does not match the person driving the vehicle information and the actual, that is how the drops vehicle audit? For questions, driver master Huang does not admit that he is, "I drop on Taobao bought the driver end. "Each other how exactly he was not aware of the operation. Mr Wong said: "do not believe you can try on Taobao, they made their names, drivers side of vehicle driver information. ”

"All diseases" can apply for registration

Yesterday, reporters in Taobao enter "registered agent to the last drop", searching a lot of corresponding services. One seller recently 7 transaction successful.

Product presentations, this is a designed for owners of businesses registered agent to the last drop, can solve "vehicle age, driving experience, remote no reward enough" all diseases. Even if the star is not enough, no incentives, can reapply for the account of the account has been closed. Buyers only need to provide relevant information in view of the above issues, such as old age provides to owners of license plates, models, colors, and vehicle registration. Driving experience is not enough to provide a driver's license, name, ID number and date of license.

Depending on the problem, prices vary, ranging from 50 Yuan to 200 Yuan. By communicating with sellers, commitment to do definitely withdraw, can then, if, because of this closure, but also free to make a new. Buyers are given such high praise: "from the start registering successfully activated within an hour. ”

Press browse revealed, in addition to the drop, vendors also provides registration services for other networks about car platform, starting prices range from 10 to 99.

Attorney: drops should take up the supervisory responsibility

Drops in liangjiang new area of Chongqing owners Club, said one staff member, recently because the software does not match the information on the actual vehicle situations, they have received similar reactions.

He explained that about car seller and network platforms where there's no "internal relations", most are material and fake documents to help, via the audit. Not only drops, other online about vehicle platform also has the same problem. Lax is not its own review, but the net should not provide fraud services.

Subsequently, the reporter also reflected the situation to the company customer service, said that activist of the feedback to the appropriate Department for processing.

Chongqing Kang Yu-law firm, well-known human rights lawyers Chen Ye think that from a legal point of view, whether it drops with their passengers between transport or intermediary contract relationship, drops the company should be rigorous and careful review of the qualification of drivers and vehicles, and effectively safeguard the personal and property safety of the passengers. Meanwhile, Taobao also should take active measures to resolutely put an end to the store selling the illegal services.

On the NET there are many registered agent business

NET about chaos called the driver of the car is not the same


In the course of daily network of about, confusing not only of Ms Su. The evening of 27th, Yu bei Wang by phone on the uber software called a car. Vehicle information displayed on the software is a female driver, available at the spot of the car, the driver was a man more than 30 years.

Mr WONG asks information on how drivers and software is not the same. The driver, that is the wife uses her own information before registering. At that time he was working in the field, hasn't come in Chongqing. Wife to register in advance with driver-side, now to Chongqing. After discussing the couple decided, usually free, husband would net about earn money to supplement the family income. Because the car is the same, so has been his wife's information.

女子坐滴滴遗失手机,寻物时发现专车注册大秘密 - 滴滴专车,专车 - IT资讯




在朋友的催促下,司机很快将粟女士送到目的地。可刚下车,粟女士就发现自己的iPhone 6 Plus手机不见了。粟女士猜测,自己的手机可能是掉在座位边的缝隙里。因为是朋友叫的车,她赶紧让朋友给司机打电话,可司机的手机已经关机。






















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