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published in(发表于) 2016/6/29 8:44:40 Edit(编辑)
Japan examination information system was “second break“ 210,000 copies of information is stolen,

Japan examination information system was “second break“ 210,000 copies of information is stolen,(日本考试信息系统被“秒破”,21万份资料被盗,)



Japan examination information system were "seconds to break", 210,000 copies of data stolen-hacker, Japan-IT information

Japan new overseas networks recently said, in recent days, Japan police on suspicion of violation of the law against illegal access to computer from the saga was arrested a 17-year old unemployed teenager.

According to Japan, police said the teen invasion Saga Prefecture Board of education spends 1.3 billion yen (about 84 million yuan) money to create the "SEI-NET" system, stealing approximately 210,000 data, amended a large number of performance data . Known as the "iron wall" education system, he was 17 years old unemployed teenager cracked, Japan network information safety again aroused the concern of the Government.

According to the Japan Saga Prefecture Board of education said, unemployed youth, primarily through two ways to steal information. One is using other student ID, login "SEI-NET" system, then make your own program to steal information.

Said one way and the other is near the school search for campus wireless network, wireless network access to the campus network to steal information. Stolen data, contains not only the student's ID, password, name, residence, and other personal information, the part also includes faculty and parent information.

It is reported that jobless youth through the "SEI-NET" system, stealing 7 schools 6081 (5,502 students, 579 faculty) information by hacking into the school network, stealing 6 schools 9589 (6,568 students parents, 335 staff, 2,686) information .

Saga North high school one of the most severely affected girls very nervously said, "was leaked pretty nasty, if the person did not know master do? "In addition to theft of information, which is likely to change student achievement through the system, it will seriously affect the major admissions.

Affected by this, 27th, Saga Prefecture Board of education long Gu Guhong held a press conference, acknowledged that "SEI-NET" system vulnerabilities, and said it would strengthen the network security management, public apology.

Points out that, the saga is called Japan ICT (information communication technology), "network management" Advanced County. "SEI-NET" is a saga in 2013 and cost 1.3 billion yen heavily to create the system. The system is a set of learning management, materials management, the addition of new education system.

Using this system, you can implement effective students and schools interact, download the digital textbooks, examination, and other functions. In addition, departments can effectively grasp the students ' attendance and test scores, is the basis of enrolling.

In order to move the system to run 2014 saga high school was to give each new student is equipped with a flat-screen terminals, can be said to compare with other high school, very "tall." But the event will undoubtedly cause the Saga Prefecture Board of her disappointment. Meanwhile, the large-scale theft incident, the Japan advancement of ICT processes are also important.

Article also notes that Japan around the Board to follow up on the "saga" of the development process. Different from the saga, Fukuoka Prefecture Board of education student achievement management commissioned an external company, questionnaires and other information, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening, Fukuoka Prefecture will import only on my computer log on to the system program.

Japan Nagasaki Prefecture Board of education says, information systems requires an external independent, fingerprint authentication system will be imported in the future. Zhubo import personal information cannot be copied, cannot be saved to removable storage devices such as USB flash drive system.

In addition, Japan Chikusei, Ibaraki, Chang Zongshi Education Commission have expressed concerns about the education system. Of course, there is one Board official said, if the excessive emphasis on security, it is impossible to realize the convenience, this balance is difficult to grasp.

Finally, however, saga education information system "undefended" behavior has caused great anger of the victims. How to implement network security, it is Japan in promoting digital teaching the biggest stumbling block.

日本考试信息系统被“秒破”,21万份资料被盗 - 黑客,日本 - IT资讯















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