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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:09:22 Edit(编辑)
Telecommunication control spam messages: group heads of complaint will be dismissed

Telecommunication control spam messages: group heads of complaint will be dismissed(中电信治理垃圾短信:群体投诉负责人将免职,)

Telecommunication control spam messages: head of group complaints will be removed-spam, China Telecom 's-IT information Telecommunication control spam messages: group head of complaints dismissed

Recently, the spam message repeated for a long time, China Telecom Group issued the notice on further strictly governed spam messages (hereinafter referred to as the notice), spam treatment effectiveness and levels of responsibility, performance, and strictly implement the responsibility system of the platform and port SMS and unveils a series of strict accountability measures in an attempt to achieve SMS spam control institutionalized.

According to the notice requirement, General Manager of China Telecom has established a special SMS spam to lead governance working group, introduced close all commercial messaging port, rearrange the customer agreement, approved by the group one by one and then be opened up, and types of service numbers such as China Telecom's own commercial text messages behavior will be dealt with severely.

According to the relevant departments of China Telecom in charge, which means, China Telecom will be shut down immediately, inter alia, 10,000, 95, 96, 118 all commercial advertising outside the main service categories such as SMS text messaging ports.

In order to crack SMS spam control system problem, China Telecom has also increased the spam messages dealing with accountability. Notification under requires, asked accountability case a years within occurred together, as was media exposure, and competent sector check informed, and user leapfrog complaints or groups complaints, subordinates company sent garbage SMS acts, related to city branch main led according to plot serious degree be "suspended check, and transferred work post, and ordered resigned dismissed," processing, and Chase correcting province company main heads and the charge heads of responsibility. "Operators are important aspect of SMS spam control, only a system of accountability, increase company costs of violations will it be possible to fundamentally solve spam governance challenges. "The heads of the relevant departments of China Telecom told reporters.

The notice also makes clear, if two or more within a year or once in two city branches above (two), the provincial head of the company in charge of charge and be "warning talk, criticism, ordered a written check, check, resign, ordered the suspension of resignation, removal from Office".


中电信治理垃圾短信:群体投诉负责人将免职 - 垃圾短信,中国电信 - IT资讯







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