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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:59 Edit(编辑)
Slack chats exposed United States teachers swear scold students: teachers were dismissed,

Slack chats exposed United States teachers swear scold students: teachers were dismissed,(Slack聊天记录曝美国教师粗口骂学生:老师被辞退,)



Slack chats exposed United States teachers swear scold students: teacher dismissal-Slack, teachers-IT information

IT news "role models" are teachers of industry standards in all countries, as "engineers of the human soul", teachers in front of students must be self-disciplined and his students for example. However, to err is human, Sage disciples may not be as great as the master strategist, some even not worthy of "teachers" the word. This situation in any country may be hard to avoid.

Recently, the United States Rhode Island Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy school teachers using social networking application Slack talked with students about homework questions, but foul language abusive students burst, this chat transcript was made public, three teachers lost their jobs.

Slack in the United States, such as in social work, is a real-time communications application, archive, share, and search capabilities. The United States teachers insult students is due when a student is involved in using the tool to chat, mistaking the author name spelling Tonahese Ta-Nehisi Coate quotes, so it is a teacher of swearing insults (f**k idiot), calling it an "idiot". "Presence," a total of three, following investigations by the school authorities decided to make the three men dismissed.

It is reported that the students have a spelling disorder, this incident makes her down and dejected. Jeremy Chiapetta, Executive Director of the school said in a subsequent letter the teachers involved were dealt with, and you want the matter to an open and transparent solutions, such incidents are deeply disturbing.

Slack聊天记录曝美国教师粗口骂学生:老师被辞退 - Slack,教师 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 “为人师表”在各国都是教师行业通行的标准,作为“人类灵魂的工程师”,教师在学生面前必须要严格自律,为自己的学生做好表率。然而人非圣贤,孔圣人的弟子们可能也并非都能像祖师爷那样伟大,有些甚至配不上“教师”二字。这种情况不管在哪个国家可能都很难避免。

近日,美国罗德岛州Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy学校的老师在使用社交应用Slack与学生交流作业问题时,却爆了粗口辱骂学生,结果这份聊天记录被公之于众,三名涉案教师也因此丢了饭碗。

Slack在美国等地被用于工作社交,是一款具有实时通讯、归档共享和搜索功能的应用。这次美国教师辱骂学生的原因是由于一名学生在于涉案教师使用该工具聊天时,误将作家名字Ta-Nehisi Coate拼写为Tonahese quotes,因而受到一名教师的粗口辱骂(f**k idiot),称其为“白痴”。而当时“在场”教师共有三名,校方经过调查后决定对此三人进行开除处理。

据悉,该学生患有拼写障碍,本次事件令她倍受打击,并且精神沮丧。该校执行董事Jeremy Chiapetta在随后的公开信中表示已对涉案教师进行了严肃处理,并且希望此事能够公开透明地解决,此类事件令人深感不安。

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