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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:50 Edit(编辑)
Men about female friends wine support deception, keep 2-hour leave 3 attendees,

Men about female friends wine support deception, keep 2-hour leave 3 attendees,(男子约女网友遇酒托受骗,守2小时劝退3名赴约者,)



Men about female friends wine support deception, keep 2-hour leave 3 attendees-wine support-IT information

With female friends meet, the result being brought into a bar, after consuming more than 300 yuan, female Internet users an excuse to leave. The night before, a Chinese tourism of Henan man at the bar near the squat for nearly 2 hours, confirm their own wine, and also persuaded the 3 men, to come to the appointment.

Mr Hu was people of Shangqiu in Henan province, a few days to come to Wuhan, a woman surnamed Han, added Mr Hu as a friend online through social software. The night before 11 o'clock, Miss Han yuehu sea crossing in Hankou road meet, Mr Hu is pleased to. Meet Miss han said he was hungry, Mr Hu into turning a no name bar, coffee, milk, chicken wings, beef jerky and food, paying Mr Hu took more than 300 yuan, talked for less than 10 minutes, Miss Korea is tired, then got up to leave.

After Mr Hu out of the bar, he asked Miss Han home through social software or not, the other side ignored him. Doubted Mr Hu met with wine, and he decided to squat in front of the bar to find out. From 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock in the morning, Mr Hu is seeing more young women with men to bars, one woman 3 times an hour in and out of the bar, respectively by 3 different men to consume.

In order not to allow more people to be fooled, Hu saw a man come to the appointment, the initiative to persuade, which the two men started or not, Mr Hu took out his cell phone to chat to each other, the two men saw the light.

Yesterday, Mr Hu had returned to Henan, told reporters: I hope my experience can warn people, do not easily and unfamiliar users to meet, so as not to be deceived.

男子约女网友遇酒托受骗,守2小时劝退3名赴约者 - 酒托 - IT资讯






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