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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:36 Edit(编辑)
ISIS shut up: Google and Facebook using copyright tools to control radical opinions

ISIS shut up: Google and Facebook using copyright tools to control radical opinions(让ISIS闭嘴:谷歌和Facebook巧用版权工具管控极端言论,)



ISIS shut up: Google and Facebook using copyright tools to control extreme speech-ISIS, Google, Facebook-IT information

IT the information Governments ISIS and extreme Islamic State not only in the actual battlefield of the struggle also raged on the Internet. In order to take control of the fight's initiative, the world's largest search engine, Google, Facebook and social networks also use a variety of techniques to rein in ISIS promotional campaign.

Recently, according to Reuters, both companies are trying to use copyright scanning tools to identify extremist statements, and such content is automatically launched. It is reported that the technology originally developed the copyright organization, used to remove pirated videos, and preventing illegal content once again, achieve the purpose of ISIS to shut up.

In April 2016, ISIS under pressure on the issue of United States President Barack Obama and European leaders have asked Facebook, and YouTube, and Twitter and CloudFlare companies such as strengthening the control of extreme content, including content screening systems. Now two companies choose to use copyright protection to block harmful content is a new attempt, but critics say the technology in the future may also be used by the Government to block content that you don't want to see.

让ISIS闭嘴:谷歌Facebook巧用版权工具管控极端言论 - ISIS,谷歌,Facebook - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 各国政府和极端组织ISIS伊斯兰国的斗争不仅在实际的战场,也在网上激烈进行。为了全面掌控这场斗争的主动权,世界最大搜索引擎谷歌和社交网络Facebook也使用了各种技术手段来遏制ISIS的宣传攻势。



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