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published in(发表于) 2016/7/20 7:51:57 Edit(编辑)
Toss a $ 2.2 million, and Facebook network red live

Toss a $ 2.2 million, and Facebook network red live(掷220万美元,Facebook请网红做直播,)



Toss a $ 2.2 million, red live-Facebook Facebook network, Webcast-IT information

On July 20, webcast has become the trend of domestic, as well as abroad. Recent foreign media reports, the world's largest social network Facebook Facebook Live broadcast operations in order to promote development in the near future, the company began to pay invited the NET using this feature.

Disclosed in the report in the Wall Street Journal last month, Facebook agreed to 140 media, Star and others to pay more than 50 million dollars, attract them to make Facebook Live video, including the Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver andongniao·bulang (ANtonio Brown), the Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps (Michael Phelps) and ' Star Trek ' Star qiaozhi·zhujing (Goerge Takei) And the others, they get paid compared with us $ 244,000, 224,000 and 114,000.

Most of these popular stars from YouTube, Twitter Vine owned video sharing platforms, read the burn after photo sharing website services and owned by Facebook photos on Instagram nets red. Facebook says the deal not to acquire network red Vine and YouTube, but to encourage them to try Facebook Live.

In fact, the current number of users Facebook already has more than 1.65 billion, are worthy of the world's largest social network, other platform network red if they can successfully attracted fan attention in Facebook Live and believe we will have a good return on click.

掷220万美元,Facebook请网红做直播 - Facebook,网络直播 - IT资讯

7月20日消息,网络直播已然成为时下的潮流,国内如此,国外亦然。外媒最新报道称,世界规模最大的社交网络Facebook近期为了推广发展Facebook Live直播业务,该公司开始付费邀请网红使用这项功能。

《华尔街日报》在上个月的报道中披露,Facebook同意向140家媒体、明星和其他人士支付5000多万美元,吸引他们制作Facebook Live视频,其中包括匹兹堡钢人队外接手安东尼奥·布朗(ANtonio Brown)、奥运游泳冠军迈克尔·菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)和《星际迷航》主演乔治·竹井(Goerge Takei)等人,他们获得的报酬分别为24.4万、22.4万和11.4万美元。

这些人气明星多数是来自YouTube、Twitter旗下Vine视频分享平台、阅后即焚照片分享服务和Facebook旗下照片网站Instagram上的网红。Facebook方面表示,该交易不是为了获取Vine和YouTube的网红,而是为了鼓励他们尝试Facebook Live。

实际上,目前Facebook已经拥有超过16.5亿的用户数,是当之无愧的全球最大社交网络,其他平台的网红如果能在Facebook Live成功引起粉丝注意,相信也会有着不错的点击回报。

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